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Heritage Party Declaration on Armenia's Past, Present, and Future

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  • Heritage Party Declaration on Armenia's Past, Present, and Future

    The Heritage Party
    31 Moscovian Street
    Yerevan, Armenia
    Tel.: (+374 - 10) 53.69.13
    Fax: (+374 - 10) 53.26.97
    Email: [email protected]; [email protected]

    17 March 2008

    Heritage Party Declaration on Armenia's Past, Present, and Future

    Now more than ever, as the schism between the Armenian people and its
    government continues to expand, the Heritage Party calls for a
    national rehabilitation process. Such a process, if it is to be
    meaningful and permanent, must proceed not in spite but in full and
    brave recognition of the events that have unfurled in our Republic
    over the past few months.

    February 19, election day, was the evident disregard of the national
    will, but we must bear in mind that the campaigns that preceded it and
    the human rights violations that followed it are part and parcel of
    that disregard. The campaigns were inherently unequal in terms of
    media access and fairness of coverage, the misuse of administrative
    levers, and the endemic application of the means of state for partisan
    advantage. At times votes were purchased, at others they were forced.

    The elections, therefore, were prejudiced before they were held. But
    even on election day, substantial and systemic violations were
    recorded across the Republic, with grave implications for the
    qualitative integrity of the electoral process and the quantitative
    reflection of its true results. This does not happen under democratic

    Nor do democratic governments use force to suppress their own
    citizens. In Armenia's case, hundreds of thousands of Armenians
    gathered in Liberty Square peacefully to protest the conduct and
    official count of the vote. That the number of protesters grew and
    doubtless triggered an unpredictable concern among the authorities was
    no validation for suppressing them. And yet on March 1, the incumbent
    president of Armenia declared an effectively unlawful state of
    emergency. This meant, in breach of every national and international
    norm of civil and political liberty and of common democratic ethics,
    that there would be no free speech and assembly, no free media, and no
    political pamphlets that the government did not approve.

    Against this background, sadly so reminiscent of the Soviet era,
    international broadcasters, when beginning to report on Armenia, would
    be interrupted by darkness or by advertisements. Websites were blocked
    and radio stations kicked off the air, all in an effort to keep the
    Armenian people ignorant of the actions of their own government and
    the world beyond.

    And now to the actions. On the morning of March 1, and deep into the
    night of the same day, the authorities began a systematic crackdown
    upon their fellow citizens, unleashing professional provocateurs to
    stir up the crowds and giving themselves and others an excuse for
    violence. Freedom was squelched, seven civilians and a police officer
    were killed, hundreds were injured, and all were deprived of their
    fundamental human rights. But for the forcible dispersal of Liberty
    Square in the early morning, the tragedy of that night would not have
    befallen the nation.

    Deprived of their voice, the protesters began to lose their leaders.
    On a daily basis, security personnel including masked men wearing
    various uniforms took away or arrested opposition figures and
    rank-and-file participants and proceeded to indict them on various
    creative charges up to organizing a coup d'etat. Four members of
    Parliament who had dared to endorse the opposition candidate were
    stripped of their immunity and also charged. The intent of the special
    operation and ensuing state of emergency was simple: to attempt to
    drive the Armenian people into fear and to warn the Constitutional
    Court against any fantasies of reaching an independent verdict. The
    brute tactics worked and the authorities, once again, upheld in court
    the elections they wanted on February 19.

    Today emergency rule continues in force, citizens remain in jail often
    with restricted access to attorneys, and the media--the role of which
    it is to serve as an informed and informing watchdog against
    government conduct and corruption--have been pushed into oblivion or
    complicity. The political arrests and detentions show no sign of
    abating, and the measures of the Prosecutor General's Office have now
    extended to interrogating Heritage's members of Parliament, immorally
    attacking their integrity, and announcing the deprivation, however
    illegal, of their right to visit citizens at their place of

    The unconscionability displayed on February 19 and the brutality used
    to protect it on March 1 remain unresolved issues. No state of
    emergency, accompanied as it is by an aggressive, one-sided "public
    information" vertical which deepens the public divide rather than
    healing it, will succeed in securing the collective amnesia of state
    and society. It must be lifted forthwith.

    What the country needs--what the people require and their government
    can no longer postpone--is a brave, new national discourse. In that
    discourse the Heritage Party will continue to serve in any capacity
    which Armenia's citizenry demands, and it will use its every resource
    to achieve the reconciliation of the body politic with its government,
    and the government with its past. To that end, Heritage calls for
    national solidarity, a multi-partisan public project for a dignified
    dialogue, the release of obviously political detainees, and an
    immediate plenipotentiary inquiry into the tragedy of March 1--its
    causes and consequences both--whose just and comprehensive findings
    might help the recovery of democracy in Armenia.

    Only in this way will we, at this most critical hour in modern
    Armenian history, be able to realize the national transformation that
    is long overdue but now imperative for the sake of Hayastan and her
    people's future.

    The Heritage Party
    17 March 2008