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The Security Of The People And The Country Is The Primary Issue

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  • The Security Of The People And The Country Is The Primary Issue

    Gevorg Harutyunyan

    Hayots Ashkhar Daily
    March 18, 2008

    As we know the 20 days of the state of emergency expires on March
    21. During his meeting with the journalists yesterday, presidential
    Press Secretary Victor Soghomonyan informed with satisfaction that
    no breaches have been recorded during the state of emergency.

    " We are satisfied with the social perception of the maintenance
    of state of emergency. At the moment the President of the Republic
    doesn't have any intention to prolong the state of emergency. During
    the past days we have heard various announcements made by the foreign
    and local political frameworks regarding the restrictions on the
    freedom of speech.

    This fuss is rather strange for different reasons. If from the
    beginning the decree has enshrined what is allowable, in terms of
    the freedom of speech, the decree of March 13 has clearly enshrined
    what is not allowed. There has been no restriction on the freedom
    of speech in Armenia. The certain limitations have been aimed at the
    provision of the security of the people and the country."

    The presidential Press Secretary considered senseless the claims to
    lift the state of emergency, something that is temporary in itself
    and is not going to work after the deadline. " It is really strange
    though we are trying to understand those people, because they are
    doing their work."

    Many representatives of press announce that it hinders their activity.

    Whereas according to Victor Soghomonyan in reality, up to March 21
    they are simply not allowed to spread evidently false information
    regarding the state and internal political issues which will lead to
    the destabilization of the situation. When after the decree certain
    newspapers were going to publish, some of them have been seized.

    "The thing is "Jamanak Yerevan" newspaper for example was going to
    print that the authorities are allegedly afraid of giving the true
    number of the victims and to express their condolences to the relatives
    of the victims. They were also going to print lots of false information
    about the political prisoners, as well as cases of the violation of
    Constitution. They also state that there are many victims whose fate
    is mysterious." The speaker said.

    Newspaper "Hayk" for example reported that many of the arrested
    have allegedly been severely beaten in the police. Similar examples
    are numerous.

    And those who make these announcements can't even wait for 3 days;
    they want to lie even during the state of emergency. What we suggest
    is not to lie up to March 21 and after it they can lie and I'm sure
    they will."

    Victor Soghomonyan also underscored that the editor in chief of
    "Haykakan Jamanak" who is under investigation for grave criminal
    offence, not only refutes the facts broadcast by TV, but also makes
    announcements that have nothing to do with the reality. "He has no
    complications, in terms of lying. It is evident. The National Security
    officers have pointed out all the false information and proposed the
    representatives of the newspapers to remove them from the newspaper
    and only after it to get them printed. But they refused."

    Considering the appeals for the destabilization of the situation
    and provocations as extremely dangerous, the presidential Press
    Secretary said it is practically impossible to avert the release of
    the electronic Media.

    "They can post provocative, false information in Internet, knowing
    that they are not responsible for it. So from all this we can draw
    conclusions regarding the freedom of speech in our country.

    One of the newspapers for example had the following note at the
    bottom of the newspaper. "We are published in conditions of the
    state of emergency, that is why try to approach with understanding
    our titanic efforts of working "in the framework of the law".

    Victor Soghomonyan says the Mass Media can evidently have a big role in
    the destabilization of the situation in the country. A good example is
    the broadcast of the interview of the Head of the observation mission
    by "Radio Liberty". They have broadcast the parts where he spoke
    about the failings only. But Arens made positive statements as well.

    The Presidential Press Secretary considered it important to mention
    over again that the main objective of the state of emergency is to
    provide security for the people and the country. "We haven't been
    against or supported any group, we simply protect democracy from
    demagogy and manifestations of extremism. And this is evident. When
    they were fighting terrorism in the USA, they took lots of measures
    that were against democracy. But the world approached it with
    understanding, because the security of the people and the country is
    a primary issue for everyone."

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress