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An Unwelcome Welcome

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  • An Unwelcome Welcome

    By Yehuda Lankri

    March 18 2008

    Maariv recently wrote about "disappointment in the Foreign Ministry"
    concerning the new U.S. ambassador to Israel, James Cunningham,
    whose appointment is described by Israeli "diplomatic sources" as
    a weak and strange choice of "a diplomatic bureaucrat" who lacks
    understanding of, and diplomatic background in, the Middle East.

    Both in form and essence, the reservations of the sources in Jerusalem
    are curious and even obnoxious. The statements do not further the
    relationship between the U.S. and Israel, and they tarnish the
    diplomatic protocol concerning the appointment of ambassadors.

    It is doubtful whether any "official sources" would welcome an
    intended Israeli ambassador by challenging his or her suitability or
    professional ability. One might also suppose that there are countries
    where a responsible newspaper would not squander away a substantial
    part of its pages on lowly and rude gossip by foreign ministry
    bureaucrats about a guest ambassador.

    Besides Turkey, which some 10 years ago vetoed the appointment
    of the leading historian Ehud Toledano on the grounds that he was
    pro-Armenian, no country is known to have treated an intended Israeli
    ambassador with such an embarrassing and slighting attitude. And all
    this is happening to the intended ambassador of the friend and ally
    to which Israel owes so much.

    During my service in the United Nations, I knew Cunningham in his
    capacity both as deputy ambassador and as the acting ambassador of
    the U.S. delegation to the UN. He showed himself to be an excellent,
    professional and decisive diplomat, very much exposed to the
    complexities of the Middle East. The UN delegation heads, along with
    the representatives of the permanent members of the Security Council,
    treated him with respect.

    The second intifada had placed Israel in some difficult situations
    before the Security Council. Cunningham made considerable efforts
    to follow his superiors' instructions and bail out their friend,
    Israel, either by using the U.S. veto or making sure Israel escaped
    with minimal damage. In extreme situations, when in its fight against
    terror Israel extracted an unusually high cost of Palestinian lives,
    Cunningham might well have suggested during closed talks that Israel
    restrain itself when exercising force. But he scarcely did so, and
    he should not be viewed as holding strict views on Israel.

    The Israeli reality often causes its American ally considerable
    difficulties in the Security Council. They are therefore permitted to
    occasionally signal to us that not all of Israel's actions are worthy
    of praise. In its efforts to shield Israel in the Security Council,
    the U.S. has become the absolute record holder in using its veto
    powers. All other permanent members use this privilege rarely. One
    is safe to assume that the U.S. would have preferred to minimize this
    record as much as it can.

    Presumably, Cunningham's defamers were offended by his matter-of-fact
    and unemotional demeanor, which leaves little room for chumminess.

    But he does not suffer from an exaggerated sense of self-importance,
    he is not overly dramatic and he will not make the mistake of thinking
    - or allowing his fellow countrymen to think - that his diplomatic
    work is unprecedented and that he himself is the beginning and end
    of the saga of U.S. ambassadors to Israel.

    The writer is a former Israeli ambassador to France and the UN.