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OSCE MG: UN Resolution Selective And Inadequate

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  • OSCE MG: UN Resolution Selective And Inadequate


    18-03-2008 17:12:42

    The United States, France and the Russian Federation, in their
    capacity as Co-Chairmen of the OSCE Minsk Group dealing with the
    Nagorno Karabakh conflict, issued the following statement on March 14,
    2008 in the United Nations General Assembly regarding their decision
    to vote against the 'Resolution on the Situation in the Occupied
    Territories of Azerbaijan':

    "The political-level representatives of France, the Russian Federation,
    and the United States, as Co-Chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group dealing
    with the Nagorno Karabakh (NK) conflict, jointly proposed a set of
    basic principles for the peaceful settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh
    (NK) conflict to the sides in November 2007 on the margins of the
    OSCE Ministerial Council in Madrid. These basic principles are
    founded on the provisions of the Helsinki Final Act, including
    those related to refraining from the threat or use of force,
    the territorial integrity of the states, and the equal rights and
    self-determination of peoples. The proposal transmitted to the sides in
    Madrid comprises a balanced package of principles that are currently
    under negotiation. The sides have agreed that no single element is
    agreed until all elements are agreed by the parties.

    Unfortunately, this draft resolution selectively propagates only
    certain of these principles to the exclusion of others, without
    considering the Co-Chairs' proposal in its balanced entirety.

    Because of this selective approach, the three OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chair
    countries must oppose this unilateral draft resolution. They reiterate
    that a peaceful, equitable, and lasting settlement of the NK conflict
    will require unavoidable compromises among the parties that reflect
    the principles of territorial integrity, non-use of force, and equal
    rights of peoples, as well as other principles of international law.

    While the three Minsk Group Co-Chair countries will vote against this
    unilateral draft resolution, which threatens to undermine the peace
    process, they reaffirm their support for the territorial integrity
    of Azerbaijan, and thus do not recognize the independence of NK.

    At a time when serious clashes have occurred along the Line of
    Contact with loss of life, both sides must refrain from unilateral and
    maximalist actions either at the negotiating table or in the field,"
    the OSCE communication unit reports.

    On March 14, with 39 votes in favor, 7 against and 100 abstentions,
    the UN General Assembly adopted the 'Resolution on the Situation in
    the Occupied Territories of Azerbaijan'

    The OSCE MG co-chair states - Russia, U.S. and France voted against
    the measure.

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ The resolution adopted by the UN General Assembly
    can cause a crack in the Karabakh process, Armenia's Foreign Minister
    Vartan Oskanian told Kentron TV Channel.

    "The talks may collapse if Azerbaijan keeps on pushing forth the
    provisions of the resolution. In this case, the absence of common
    grounds will drive Armenia out of the process and Azerbaijan will
    have to hold talks immediately with Stepanakert," the Minister said.

    "The OSCE MG proposals on the Nagorno Karabakh conflict settlement
    have nothing in common with the resolution adopted by the UN General

    The draft resolution was put on the UN GA agenda two years ago. During
    this time the mediators succeeded in convincing Azerbaijan of
    inadvisability of the measure that could be supported by two dozens
    of Islamic states only," he said.

    According to the Minister, the Kosovo issue and to some extent
    Armenia's domestic situation whipped Azerbaijan up. "However,
    the Armenian side has numerously stated that Kosovo will not set a
    precedent for Karabakh," he said.