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Parliament Of Armenia Passed Amendments To Law On Rallies

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  • Parliament Of Armenia Passed Amendments To Law On Rallies


    18-03-2008 15:02:04

    Late in the evening of March 17 the extraordinary session of the
    parliament of Armenia passed amendments to the law on rallies,
    marches and demonstrations on second reading. The parliament voted 90
    to 6 in favor of the amendments. 5 of the six MPs who voted against
    the amendments were from the opposition Heritage faction, one was
    Victor Dallakyan.

    The passage of the bill was preceded by statements of MPs. Speaker
    Tigran Torosyan, Republican, said the bill might be imperfect but it
    is aimed to prevent recurrence of March 1 and 2. "A drop of blood,
    a human life is of more value than hundreds of meetings," said Tigran
    Torosyan. The speaker agrees that people are dissatisfied and they will
    always be but it does not justify the events of March 1, especially
    that they took human lives. Torosyan underlined that after the passage
    the law will be translated and extended to international experts.

    For his part, Vahan Hovanisyan, ARF Dashnaktsutyun, said this law
    is a situational solution of fundamental problems and in reality it
    may not be a way out. "We are on the track for repressive solution
    of problems. We do not admit our mistakes, and instead we introduce
    more restrictions," he said. According to Hovanisyan, people are
    waiting for another rally and the passage of such amendments may
    provoke people. The member of parliament thinks that the role of the
    government is to have people wait for reforms rather than rallies. The
    member of parliament underlined that the role of the external factor
    should not be excluded, but seeds grow in fertile soil and in this
    situation "not only Soros is to blame".

    Member of Parliament Victor Dallakyan said the bill has an obviously
    political context and direction. "It is necessary to acknowledge
    that today's government may be opposition tomorrow." According to
    him, all the restrictions on public events are clear repression and
    "the impression is that situational problems and consequences are
    addressed instead of the cause." He said it should not be forgotten
    that those who voted for Levon Ter-Petrosyan, the radical opposition,
    in reality voted against the government, and Ter-Petrosyan simply
    acted as a generator of disagreement of people. "We must not focus on
    the personality of the generator and ascribe supernatural abilities
    to him but we must solve the problem," said Dallakyan, urging to vote
    against the bill.

    The members of parliament of the opposition Heritage faction also
    urged to vote against the bill, noting that if passed the amendments
    will enable entitling the law "On Not Holding Rallies, Marches and

    After the first reading the members of parliament proposed amendments
    to the bill, according to which it is necessary to note the source
    the information from which underlies the decision of the authorized
    body to make a decision on banning the given event, as well as an
    amendment by which the organizer of disorders in the past will not
    be authorized to hold an event.