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ARFD Armenian Supreme Body Proposes Creating Public Council Consisti

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  • ARFD Armenian Supreme Body Proposes Creating Public Council Consisti


    Noyan Tapan
    March 19, 2008

    YEREVAN, MARCH 19, NOYAN TAPAN. On March 19, the ARFD Armenian Supreme
    Body made a statement, which read:

    "The presidential elections obviously showed that a considerable part
    of the people exactly needs implementation of serious reforms. However,
    unfortunately, the destructive way of confrontation was chosen instead
    of protecting and guiding moods of people by political means:

    As a result:

    - moral-psychological low spirits among the people, the feeling of
    despair, bifurcation, mutual intolerance, distrust, vagueness of the
    countty development prospect, violation of human rights and basic
    freedoms has reached a dangerous extent,

    - tendencies of dividing the political forces into foreign ones and
    one's own people, locality differentiations become prevailing in
    political life, there are no normal relations and dialogue between
    the authorities and the opposition, extremism and maximalism are
    leading in political processes,

    - the reputation and status of Armenia as a favorable investment
    environment, having a developing economy and stable progress,
    is endangered,

    - an unprecedented growth of threats to RA and NKR security has been
    recorded, new foreign challenges emerge.

    The further worsening of the situation is fraught with
    military-political threats to independence and security of the two
    Armenian states.

    In the formed situation the country is faced by the necessity to
    reaffirm its national-state guideline, to deepen the process of
    many-sided democratic reforms, to restore solidarity inside the nation,
    to form an atmosphere of national consent.

    Prevention of a new migration wave, neutralization of investment
    risks, restoration and strengthening of an atmosphere favorable for
    progressive development is the first and foremost task in the country.

    Under the circumstances the only way out is unreserved subordination
    of the faction-party interest for the sake of the fulfilment of the
    national-state goals set before the homeland and the Armenians. The
    best solution can be formation of a government of national consent
    with involving all parliamentary forces.

    The ARFD Armenian Supreme Body is ready to make part of the government
    of consent aimed at fulfilment of these goals and calls the political
    opposition for evaluating the seriousness of the situation, using the
    given possibility, and with its participation making the process of
    reforms in the country more complete and full-value.

    The government of consent should consider its first and foremost
    tasks the following things:

    - exclusion of the intervention of the executive power into the
    judicial system, securing of complete independence and impartiality
    of that system,

    - liquidation of impunity and arbitrariness, everybody's equality
    before the law, irrespective of the position they take,

    - formation of a new, absolutely independent electoral system
    guaranteeing public confidence to political processes, excluding
    executive power's intervention,

    - establishment of a fair competition order by creation of an efficient
    anti-monopoly legislative field excluding economic monopolies,

    - full-value plurality, freedom of expression, guaranteeing of
    unbiassed and transparent activity of Public TV and Radio Company,

    - securing of guarantees of full-value activity in the political
    system for the opposition,

    - carrying out of social policy on the basis of taking account of
    minimum living basket.

    In order to lead the country to normal course of life, to successfully
    solve the above mentioned problems, to quickly discharge the
    post-electoral tension, the ARFD Armenian Supreme Body considers it
    necessary to implement a program of urgent events. The creation of a
    Public Council under the RA President, consisting of figures enjoying
    people's confidence, representatives of NGOs, extra-parliamentary
    forces can contribute to the implementation of that program. The
    Council is to promote creation of the atmosphere of confidence
    and establishment of permanent contact between the authorities and