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Azerbaijan's Strategy Of "Small Victories"

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  • Azerbaijan's Strategy Of "Small Victories"

    Vardan Grigoryan

    Hayots Ashkhar Daily
    March 19, 2008

    Recording the fact that, it is difficult to estimate the resolution
    submitted by Azerbaijan to the UN General Assembly can't be estimated
    as a serious political victory over Armenia, we shouldn't forget
    anyhow that the before mentioned fact is a tangible achievement for
    official Baku in the propaganda war between the two countries.

    Even if the resolution " The Situation in the Occupied Territories
    of Azerbaijan" is of consultative nature, the fact that the General
    Assembly has passed a resolution that entirely expresses Azerbaijan's
    standpoints regarding Karabakh conflict and has considered us
    "occupants", demonstrates the success of Azerbaijani side in the
    propaganda war.

    In our view the propaganda "pressing" that is used by Azerbaijan
    for many years on OCSE Minsk group member countries playing the role
    of a mediator in the negotiation process is much more dangerous. It
    includes all the possible versions of influence and blackmail, which
    are used every day and every moment in conditions of the passive and
    even evidently infantile stance of Armenian diplomacy. During the
    past years, when our diplomacy was trying to act in accordance with
    the proposals made by OSCE Minsk group co-Chairs, it turned out that
    they were demanding the same thing from Azerbaijan and this demand
    has become ineffective because "The wolf can change his coat but not
    his disposition".

    While we speak about being constructive, Azerbaijan either
    destructively criticizes the co-Chairs, or threatens Armenia with
    a war, or blackmails the international community with oil-gas,
    or puts into action the potential of GUAM, Islamic conference and
    other organizations, or comes out with a joint announcement of its
    political powers against the proposals made by the co-Chairs.

    Eventually, slowly but consistently they create the wrong image among
    the international community that Armenian side that has won the war
    is interested in the peaceful and civilized settlement of Karabakh
    conflict, because we are vigilant of the new military clash with
    Azerbaijan, which is "becoming more and more powerful". From here
    they draw a conclusion that some issues that have become a subject
    of the negotiations must have a pro-Azerbaijani solution.

    Azerbaijan is consistently applying the strategy of "small victories":
    occupies a position and immediately tries to possess the next one. That
    is why immediately after the adoption of March 14 resolution Baku
    openly blackmails Minsk group co-Chairs, intimidating to refuse
    their service. In return to his "generosity" Azerbaijan demands
    that the point of the settlement principles submitted in Madrid,
    which recognizes the sovereignty of NKR people is changed.

    Each Ministry of Azerbaijan has already submitted an application to
    different international organizations regarding this false issue,
    and the "issues of fires" have been transferred to the tribune of the
    General Assembly, in case when, from our side the barbarous destruction
    of the cross-stones in Hin Jugha is marching on the same spot.

    It turns out that Armenian side responds only in case Azerbaijan
    brings surprises and while they manage to block the initiative of
    the rival, Azerbaijan submits two instead of one. It is evident that
    in such circumstances, we can't expect that the fact recorded in the
    General Assembly on March 14 won't be repeated.

    The passiveness of our diplomacy manifested during the previous years,
    and because of the absence of Armenian state structures to conduct a
    consistent propaganda overseas, Armenian people who have celebrated
    the 20th anniversary of Karabakh movement and two Armenian states
    are facing tough challenges, because the continuous failings in the
    sphere of propaganda intimidate to turn into serious failures in the
    foreign policy.