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NKR: An Interview With NKR Minister Of Foreign Affairs

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  • NKR: An Interview With NKR Minister Of Foreign Affairs


    Azat Artsakh Daily
    Published on March 20, 2008
    NKR Republic

    On March 15th NKR President Bako Sahakian met with the stuff of
    Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Our interview with NKR Minister
    of Foreign Affairs Georgy Petrosian was round these and last
    political events. - During the meeting of the NKR President with
    the ministry's stuff was underlined, that the ministry should
    not only be engaged in the functions connected with the foreign
    policy and negotiating process, but also it should be involved in
    other spheres of the country's vital activity. We ask to detail
    the frameworks of your forthcoming activity. - The meeting was
    very useful and effective. New approaches of NKR President Bako
    Sahakian towards the foreign department were specified. Actually
    we were offered to use a new format. We knew two primary problems -
    negotiating process on peace settlement of Karabakh conflict and our
    active work in the question of international recognition of NKR.
    During the meeting one more interesting sphere was outlined for
    us: it was systematization and comparison of all other departments'
    works acting in NKR, having a relation to foreign economic relations.
    The other important theme concerned information policy. Serious debate
    concerning the form of realization and systematization of this policy
    was developed. I think, this conversation will be still continued,
    but actually before the MFA a task has been set to work out a new form
    of relations with other organizations engaged in that sphere, which
    will give a great result. The third question concerned expansion
    of our representations abroad. For solution of this problem a new
    format of activity, structural changes in the MFA are required.
    - On March 14th General Assembly of the UN discussed the offer of
    Azerbaijan connected with Karabakh conflict settlement. Please your
    comments on the given question. - I think, a rather absurd case
    took place, when the offer of Minsk Group, that it is impossible
    to represent unilateral offer to the UN, was rejected by Azerbaijan
    and as a result a very important thing took place. Azerbaijan set a
    task, as a result 39 countries voted for that offer, and about 150
    countries abstained or voted against (basic countries of the European
    Union were among them). Co-chairs of OSCE Minsk Group also voted
    against. I think, Azerbaijan has got a distinct signal, that forms
    of unilateral pressure do not pass. This is the first. The second,
    I think, that Azerbaijan has tried to prove its own people, that
    it can appear before the society in such form. But important thing
    took place: Azerbaijan has once again testified, that is against
    peace settlement and is partial to achieve its purposes by a method
    of pressure. And from that viewpoint our ministries of either RA,
    or NKR have rather serious tasks. Actually NKR President has set a
    task before us: to conduct a more active foreign policy.

    And it concerns our two republics. Azerbaijan, making use of the
    innerpolitical situation created in Armenia, realizes a complex
    program. It is seriously concerned about recognition of Kosovo's
    independence by a number of countries and takes any step to prove first
    of all its people and then the world community, that the precedent
    of Kosovo does not extend on Karabakh, completely ignoring the fact,
    that negotiations have proceeded for years, the axis of which is our
    status. If we follow intently the step of Azerbaijan: to continue
    to keep Armenia in a blockade, to organize constant provocation
    in Azerbaijan-Karabakh contact line, to make an information war,
    we'll see, that Azerbaijan is in panic and anxiety caused by the
    fact, that it has reached a deadlock. By results of the UN's votes,
    actually Azerbaijan has suffered the next defeat, though it tries to
    prove its people, that it is a moral victory. Certainly, it doesn't
    mean, that it will not leave any influence. It will leave. Therefor,
    a task is set before us, not to give a counter-attack, but to go
    more steadily by own way. - Is it possible to compare the step of
    Azerbaijan in the UN with its encroachment on border? - It once again
    shows the aims set before this country's management: it hasn't turned
    out well to compromise Karabakh by an attack and to celebrate its moral
    victory. It tried in the UN to influence on the world community and it
    actually again failed. and the latter was much bigger stroke for him.
    - What influence have Armenian last weeks' events on the country's
    international image and in that context whether they can affect
    on Karabakh conflict settlement? - The post-election situation of
    republic of Armenia is sorrowful. Taking the opportunity, I condole
    with the families of victims. Any serious disagreement, which occurs
    in a country, affects negatively on this country. I think, that last
    steps of Azerbaijan have been caused by these events, when the moment
    has come to reap the biggest fruits. - Whether intensity created
    recently in the contact line is connected with innerpolitical situation
    of Armenia or with forthcoming presidential elections of Azerbaijan,
    which will be in autumn? - Of course, I have noted in the beginning,
    that Azerbaijan makes a complex program - to try to take advantage
    hastily of the created situation connected with recognition of Kosovo
    and innerpolitical situation of Armenia. Coincidences are obvious. On
    March 1st in Erevan post-election actions took place, during which,
    unfortunately, there were also victims.

    And on March 3-4 armed forces of Azerbaijan waged an attack. We
    demanded from the co-chairs of OSCE Minsk Group to carry out an urgent
    monitoring in the contact line. Azerbaijan didn't allow the group to
    pass its territory.

    Again a proof, which tries to strain the relations, the result of
    which, in my opinion, from psychological viewpoint is very bad for
    Azerbaijan. I don't exclude, that for decision of innerpolitical
    question and an out put from undisturbing condition Azerbaijan will
    keep intensity. We take corresponding steps for informing the OSCE
    acting co-chairs. And we also expect, as we have noted in special
    statement of the MFA, the OSCE will give a political estimation
    about these events. I think, that the visit of Mr A.Kasprzhik to the
    contact line will give bases to estimate more objectively, instead of
    as always putting an equal-sign, accusing both parties. This case is
    rather absurd. We've very precisely told, that if OSCE doesn't give a
    political estimation about this event, so with that it will encourage
    Azerbaijan, which will give a free to its aspirations. In the end,
    what is more important in that region, if not peace? We want peace
    not because we are weak, but because it is profitable for all. Were
    the victims, which Azerbaijan had in the contact line, necessary
    for their parents? What problems do they solve today? Territorial
    integrity? Tries to put pressure?

    They will get an adequate pressure against the pressure. And it should
    serve a lesson for them. Svetlana Khachatrian interviewed