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Baku Conduct Conflicts With International Legitimacy Criterion

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  • Baku Conduct Conflicts With International Legitimacy Criterion


    20.03.2008 18:32 GMT+04:00

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ Azerbaijani official establishment announces that
    "the Karabakh status problem can be resolved only on the basis of
    the internal legislation of Azerbaijan" and the activities of the
    Minsk Group, in consultations with the conflict sides on the status,
    are allegedly an intrusion into the domestic affairs of Azerbaijan,
    Head of the Institute for National Strategic Studies of the MoD,
    Doctor of Political Sciences, Major General Hayk Kotanjian said in
    an interview with the press center of the RA Ministry of Defense.

    "A symptomatic illustration appears to be the incompatibility of the
    Republic of Azerbaijan's Constitution with the essence of international
    legal norm on the principle and right of nations to master their fate
    independently by means of free expression of popular will in conditions
    of complete freedom, stipulated by the UN Charter and International
    Covenants on Human Rights of 1966. As it is known, these documents
    in the international relations system are treaties consolidating the
    states' commitment to adhere to and respect universally recognized
    fundamental principles and norms of the International law, first and
    foremost - human rights and freedoms.

    It concerns those principles of the International law, which comprise
    its most stable kernel and are a universal criterion to evaluate
    legitimacy of states' conduct."

    "The norm of the Azerbaijan's Constitution "on change of territory by
    holding a referendum among all the Azerbaijani population" contradicts
    the other norm of the same document, defined in the article "The
    ultimate goal of the state". In accordance with the given definition
    "human and citizen rights and freedoms, enumerated in the present
    Constitution are employed in conformity with the international
    treaties, which are supported by the Republic of Azerbaijan". In
    this case the above mentioned international treaties should be
    touched upon."

    "Thus the assertions of the Azerbaijani authorities on their adherence
    to the international law in the Nagorno Karabakh conflict resolution
    don't correspond to the truth. The conduct of Azerbaijan in terms of
    consistent reflection of universally accepted principles and norms of
    the international law in the Constitution, as well as in the Karabakh
    conflict settlement practice, doesn't correspond to the international
    legitimacy criterion," the Major General resumed.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress