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Canada Accidentally Recognizes Independence Of Basque Country, Trans

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  • Canada Accidentally Recognizes Independence Of Basque Country, Trans


    McLeans Magazine t=20080320_121651_6872
    March 20 2008

    Must-reads: George Jonas on Kosovo; Peter Worthington on Obama.

    American grab-bag

    Racist preachers, adulterous state governors and Ed Stelmach, together
    under one heading!

    An admiring Peter Worthington post-mortems Barack Obama's "A More
    Perfect Nation" speech in the Toronto Sun, arguing he's likely saved
    his skin as far as the Democratic nomination goes. But he says "the
    real damage may come if (when) he wins the nomination and moves into
    the presidential campaign against Republican John McCain." For better
    or for worse, he argues, race is now a part of this campaign. And
    "Hillary's 'white' supporters, in unknown numbers, may opt for McCain
    over voting for Obama."

    "At the moment," The Globe and Mail's John Ibbitson notes, "there are
    three senators, 11 representatives and nine former representatives
    who have been indicted or who are under investigation" for various
    kinds of malfeasance. The ex-governor of New Jersey may or may not
    have had a "hardcore consensual sex orgy" with his gay lover and
    wife, who is furiously denying the allegation for the purposes of
    the couple's extremely messy divorce. And incoming New York governor
    David Paterson "disclosed this week that, yes, he had had several
    affairs during his marriage. But that was okay; so had his wife."

    Considering the "nation expects its leaders to demonstrate their
    Christian commitment," Ibbitson thinks, "there are an awful lot of
    misbehaving public figures, these days."

    Continued Below

    If Obama or Clinton find themselves in the White House and stick
    by their protectionist guns, the Edmonton Journal's Graham Thomson
    reports they'll soon be engaging the Alberta government in a duel
    over so-called "country of origin" food labelling. Supporters say
    they just want Americans to know where their food comes from, but as
    Ed Stelmach recently said, "how do you label a Campbell's soup can"
    in 2008? Protectionists don't much care, says Thomson. They just know
    "some food-processing companies will buy 100-per-cent American raw
    materials so they don't have to through the bureaucratic bother of
    figuring out where the various ingredients came from."

    Unintended consequences and the Balkans

    Kosovo's independence is the inevitable result of a war launched by
    "politicians who emerged from a 1960s generation of confused peaceniks,
    eco-freaks and draft resisters," George Jonas writes in the National
    Post. The hippies sought to forestall the ethnic cleansing of Albanians
    and facilitated that of Serbs, in short, and Jonas thinks superior
    men and women would have foreseen that outcome.

    "[P]erhaps we hesitated recognizing [Kosovo]," he suggests, "because
    we recognized that we should have hesitated going to war for it."

    The Toronto Star's Thomas Walkom, meanwhile, is one of these people
    who believe Canada has set a precedent in Kosovo-that the government
    must now recognize "any ethnically based province that decides to
    unilaterally break away from a larger state." Why is this the case,
    you might ask? Because of Hamas, of course-what are you, simple?

    Because Stephen Harper "has insisted on injecting what he calls a
    moral element into foreign policy"-for example, by not speaking to
    the legitimately elected government in the Gaza Strip-Walkom believes
    that recognizing Kosovo must indicate moral acceptance of ethnic
    nationalism and unilateral declarations of independence.

    It seems to us, however, that the moralist approach actually gives
    a government more leeway than the "all nations are equal" approach
    to make such distinctions. But then, it also seems to us that Quebec
    is about as much like Kosovo as it is like Nigeria, so clearly we're
    missing something.

    Duly noted Behold the Star's James Travers, Master of Ledes: "Bob
    Rae is just too good to be entirely true to Stephane Dion." We lost
    count of the number of things that could mean at about eight. What
    Travers wants it to mean is that while "[b]uilding a more robust
    team" is in the Liberal party's interests, it necessarily comes at
    the price of Rae's own leadership ambitions and at the risk of what
    Travers sees as innate suspicion among Canadians of "government by
    committee." And while Rae reduced months of Liberal capitulation to
    a handy catchphrase, "strategic patience," where Dion struggled for
    months to articulate the strategy, Travers says no one man can shore
    up the party's "flimsy platform planks."

    "It's hard to imagine" how Jean Charest's $75,000-per-year salary
    top-up from the Quebec Liberals "makes Charest any more obligated than
    he already is to the party that got him his job in the first place,
    and on which he depends to keep it," says the Montreal Gazette's Don
    MacPherson. As such, he argues, it's especially eyebrow-raising that
    the party didn't bother telling anyone about it for 10 years. What
    account did it come out of, he wonders? Can a donor contribute directly
    to that account, and, if so, "does Charest know the identities of
    his benefactors?" All are questions the Liberals could have avoided
    with proactive disclosure, MacPherson writes, and that the province
    could prevent by joining every other Canadian province and legislating
    disclosure of outside sources of politicians' income.

    The Globe's Christie Blatchford reports from the trial of three army
    reservists charged with murdering a 59-year-old Toronto man, ostensibly
    for the crime of sleeping on a park bench. The defence strategy is
    beginning to emerge, she relates: the three men were drunk as lords,
    and the victim, Paul Croutch, may not have been as helpless as it
    appears. We have yet to discern the relevance of whether the three
    men were "weekend warrior" soldiers, as per their defence attorney
    John Rosen, or seasoned "combat soldiers," as prosecutors allege. But
    we can certainly see why Blatchford would want to cover this trial.