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Rwanda: Why We Should Remember The Genocide

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  • Rwanda: Why We Should Remember The Genocide

    Rwembeho Stephen

    The New Times (Kigali)
    March 20 2008

    Our children need to know. Rwanda is a few days away from commemorating
    fourteen years after one of the most horrific genocides of the 20th
    century occurred.

    The Rwandan genocide began on 7 April 1994. The genocide was highly
    organized, with top government and ruling party officials playing a
    direct role.

    Militia members, the armed forces and civilians carried out appalling
    atrocities, against innocent Rwandans. At least one million Rwandans
    died under mercilessly torture, which made most victims die regretting
    why they lived on earth. The circumstances of their deaths remain
    our great concern.

    It must be remembered that the extermination of an estimated one
    million Rwandans, was not a side-effect of the war and the crash of
    'Habyalimana's plane', but a well organised plan of the then regime.

    A Memorial Day, is a day of remembrance for those men, mothers,
    children and babies who were tortured to death, in 1994 genocide. It
    is a period when we remember mass crimes against humanity.

    Furthermore, it is at this period, when those who deny genocide,
    are exposed through their direct or indirect manifestations.

    One of the main reasons of why we need to have a memorial day is that,
    it helps to stop the propaganda of those who deny it.

    There have been various attempts to deny and minimise the 1994 genocide
    in Rwanda, both within the country and outside the country.

    We need to check this trend, for it takes us in a very wrong direction
    and is by its nature dangerous to our country.

    Gregory H. Stanton, formerly of the US State Department and the founder
    of Genocide Watch views the dangers of denying genocide as thus:
    "Denial is the eighth stage that always follows genocide.

    It is among the surest indicators of further genocidal massacres. The
    perpetrators of genocide dig up the mass graves, burn the bodies,
    try to cover up the evidence and intimidate the witnesses.

    They deny that they committed any crimes, and often blame what happened
    on the victims. While the arguments made by a genocide denier vary
    depending on which genocide is being denied, most arguments have a
    common basis.

    The accusations of a genocide denier usually include conspiracies
    stating that the targeted ethnic group conspired against the accused
    state with its enemies, that death tolls have been exaggerated in
    order to create undeserved sympathy, that the victims provoked the
    actions against themselves, through either armed insurrection or
    exploitation of the majority, and that the evidence supporting a
    genocide thesis was largely fabricated.

    Deniers often argue from ignorance, approaching the subject without
    acknowledging eyewitness records or previously made studies, or
    previous conclusions, and claim falsehood based on lack of direct

    Deniers may also accumulate pieces of data from less-cited or less-used
    sources and exaggerate them in an attempt to counter records indicating
    genocide occurred." Stanton's experience is evidenced in Rwanda,
    where genocide deniers have resorted to accusing those who stopped
    the 1994 genocide; they have harassed and killed witness.

    All these are meant to intimidate them and possibly erase the memories
    of genocide in the nation. That is the whole essence of the hopeless
    claim, 'double genocide'. There are so many other examples of denials
    in Rwanda and elsewhere world wide; the Armenian genocide is denied
    by the government of Turkey, that the deaths was only a result of
    the Armenian insurrection and The Holocaust is denied by saying that,
    it either did not occur or was exaggerated.

    The Rwandan genocide is often denied too; they say that it was a
    result of vicious civil war and not a deliberate attempt to wipe out
    the Tutsi. The Rwandan 1994 genocide is still denied in different
    ways by different people; the people who have been trying to associate
    'the Habyalimana's plane crash' with the 1994 genocide deny genocide,
    and leaders who have deliberately refused to put on trial genocide
    perpetrators that live in their countries, minimise and deny the 1994
    Rwandan genocide.

    Critics of genocide memorial days and remembering genocide in general,
    say that it renews bad memories of the past and possibly hatred. It
    is true that the memories of the past are renewed but it does not
    necessarily mean that hatred is rejuvenated.

    Some people may be touched of course, for different reasons, but the
    advantages of 'remembering' highly out numbers the ones we would get
    in 'not remembering.' It helps the young children who are expected
    to live for long, to know the ills the country suffered and hence
    paves way for them to forge a better future.

    The ugly pictures of old Rwanda, gives unforgettable scenarios in
    terms of human suffering. But we cannot afford to hind the reality
    of our country's history, especially when we still have people who
    are ready to take us back.

    This is the time when our children and us, take chance to re-direct
    our minds towards forging a new route to reconciliation.

    We should know that, no foreigner will come to unite Rwandans; it is
    the duty of Rwandans to make their country peaceful.

    Remember that the so-called civilized societies, stood by, as our
    children were massacred in the broad light day.

    Remember that propaganda against Rwanda continues to manifest itself
    in different styles by the very perpetrators of the genocide.

    Remembering will thus prevent a recurrence of genocide, or even
    greater disasters. To forget only accomplishes the goal of the enemies
    of Rwanda.