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Over Half Fine Imposed on Gala TV Raised Through Contributions

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  • Over Half Fine Imposed on Gala TV Raised Through Contributions


    YEREVAN, MARCH 22, NOYAN TAPAN. According to the latest information on
    contribution-raising in favor of independent Gala TV channel (Gymri),
    13 mln 500 thousand drams was collected, which made up 57-58% of the
    fine imposed by the administrative court. The chairman of "Asparez"
    club Levon Barseghian announced this at the March 21 press conference
    in Yerevan. To recap, the Gyumri administrative court chaired by Judge
    Edik Nahapetian on March 19 ruled to impose a fine of 25 mln 116,700
    drams on Gala. The ruling comes into force from the moment of its
    publication. The company may appeal within 3 months. Gala intends to
    pay the fine, and then to dispute the ruling in higher courts and the
    European Court of Human Rights.

    L. Barseghian said that 3,000-3,500 persons from nearly 200 Armenian
    communities have made contributions to Gala. The minimum amount of
    contributions was 500 drams, while the largest one made 1 mln 100
    thousand drams. About 24% of contributors have never watched programs
    of Gala.

    In the opinion of L. Barseghian, the fact of setting fire to his car
    has direct relation to the protection of Gala. "When defending Gala, we
    criticized a number of officials not only in connection with Gala but
    also for poor performance of their professional duty, which was
    perceived as criticism of Gala's defenders," he said.

    The car of the chairwoman of Gyumri-based "Asparez" club Nadezhda
    Hakobian was set on fire at about 1:05 a.m. on March 21. At that moment
    the car was at the disposal of Levon Barseghian. The persons on duty
    saw two men approach the car and stand near it for 5 seconds. The car
    instanly caught fire, police arrived in 20-22 minutes, firemen in 25
    minutes. The damage done to the car makes about 900 thousand drams (3
    thousand dollars).

    The chairman of Yerevan Press Club Boris Navasardian stated that it is
    necessary to bring the level of freedom of the mass media and social
    structures at least to the pre-election level and to strictly apply the
    law, maintaning equal protection of the law. According to him, equal
    protection of the law was violated during the state of emergency: the
    restrictions did not apply to progovernment mass media, while
    censorship was introduced by blocking Internet sites of independent and
    opposition mass media.

    In connection with the fact of burning the reporter's car, the head of
    Transparency International Armenia Office Amalia Kostanian accused the
    authorities. She said that the current atmosphere in the country has
    been created by them.