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Message of His Holiness Karekin II on Holy Easter 2008

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  • Message of His Holiness Karekin II on Holy Easter 2008

    Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, Information Services
    Address:  Vagharshapat, Republic of Armenia
    Contact:  Rev. Fr. Ktrij Devejian
    Tel:  +374-10-517163
    Fax:  +374-10-517301
    E-Mail:  [email protected]
    March 23, 2008

    Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, 23 March 2008

    In the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.

    Christ is risen from the dead.  He defeated death with death, and through
    His resurrection, He granted us life.
        Armenian Breviary (Book of Hours)

    Dear Faithful Sons and Daughters in Armenia and the Diaspora,
    We greet you all with a joyful heart and the tiding of the glorious
    resurrection of Jesus Christ.

    We lived the prayerful and solemn days of Great Lent with the Almighty; we
    lived with our petitions, appeals and the emotions of our souls, as well as
    with the crisis and pain which resulted from the tragic events of March 1. 
    And through the sacred mystery of Holy Week, we communed with our Lord's
    acts of salvation during His final days on earth.

    When the Teacher was crucified, His disciples and followers had dispersed in
    uncertainty and grief.  Some had disowned Him and were suffering with
    feelings of guilt.  Others had tied great hopes of power and glory to Him
    and were now experiencing the pain of hopelessness.  But the Risen Christ
    appeared to them and dispelled their sorrow and doubt, reestablished them in
    true faith and hope, and confirmed them in their mission to proclaim to the
    world the grace of salvation, to preach the teachings of God's love and
    peace, and the Gospel of the heavenly kingdom.

    Today, our Lord no longer stands defenseless before Pontus Pilate.  He is no
    longer the accused - abandoned and rejected by men.  Neither is He the One
    tortured, harassed and condemned to ascend Golgotha with the cross on His
    shoulders.  He is not the One buried in the tomb; rather He is the Risen -
    the Lord of creation and the triumphant Savior of mankind.

    `O death, where is thy sting?  O grave, where is thy victory?' (I
    Corinthians 15:55)

    Death is no longer despair, no longer is it the end of life or existence. 
    The tomb is no longer the end.  The `end' was destroyed through the
    Resurrection of Christ, and on the other side of the grave, we see the path
    toward eternity.  Our savior, addressing His and our Father, says `And this
    is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus
    Christ, whom thou hast sent.' (St. John 17:3)

    The path to eternal life in this world is the new, resurrected life through
    Christ Jesus, which He bequeaths to man by His divine power.  The renewed
    life of the reborn soul is free of the power of evil.  Our Lord defeated
    evil, destroyed death and granted humanity the grace to be reborn, to become
    sons and daughters of God.

    God has created the world in which we live.  Everything is the work of His
    hand.  Whatever we have belongs to Him.  But in this world, since the time
    of Adam, either willingly or unwillingly, man frequently becomes a tool in
    the hands of evil, destroys God's handiwork and darkens the joy of a
    creative life.  In our present day, evil, lack of faith, materialism,
    falsehood, hatred, and lust for power plant seeds of death and prepare large
    and small graves in the life of mankind.  Today as well, we must regrettably
    accept that life is not valued to the extent and manner equal to the call of
    the Lord and His Saving Will.  In his quest for peace and justice, man opens
    doors to conflicts and sows injustice, since it is not the peace and justice
    granted by the Lord that he seeks; rather individual security and personal
    interest in the name of those virtues.  Truly, actions opposed to the Will
    of God are ruinous.  Christ gave His life for mankind to save us from
    destruction, and called us to live with faith, hope and love.  It is with
    these values that the spiritual renaissance and moral development of
    humanity become a reality.  It is with these true values that the progress
    of societal life occurs, that rights are respected and laws actually work,
    for the welfare of mankind.

    Dear Armenian sons and daughters dispersed throughout the world,
    Throughout our history, we have frequently been enveloped by the shadow of
    death, we have been wounded deeply and we have lived in times of darkness;
    but with a gaze thirsting for light, we have sought the heavenly break of
    day.  We have measured the depth of suffering and pain, and have emerged
    time and again by soaring high with heroic flight.  Today as well, we find
    ourselves in trying times.  The peaceful life of our homeland is troubled
    and the stability of our state is threatened; the reputation of our country
    and the good name of our people have certainly been damaged - our greatest
    achievements are endangered.  Intolerance, hatred and confrontation are not
    ways to eliminate the negative realities from our lives or to determine
    solutions to problems challenging our nation.  These result in new wounds
    and new difficulties increasing the threats to our lives.  We must exercise
    care, so that every word and deed that is borne of evil and reeks of
    falsehood is rejected.  We are obligated to be vigilant so that true
    brotherly love, a sense of justice and respect of the law, confidence,
    faith, and a spirit of reconciliation and peace smoothes the path of our
    lives.  Let us spare nothing in our efforts to strengthen our statehood and
    the uninterrupted progress of our country, so that we overcome the
    difficulties afflicting our lives, and our homeland soars with strength - a
    homeland which is the hope for our united life and our endurance.

    Our exhortation to you all - ranks of clergy and laity - is to make
    goodness, love and benevolence abundant in your lives through the
    resurrection faith in our Savior Jesus Christ.  Heal all wounded hearts. 
    Cast out all evil from our hearts, our souls and the borders of our
    homeland.  Be one flock with one shepherd.  Under the protection of the Holy
    Right Hand of our Father in heaven, with the Holy Sign of the Cross of our
    Risen Savior, and guided by the grace of the Holy Spirit, let us create the
    future of our dreams - a strong, unshakeable Armenian state and a patriotic,
    happy Armenian people devoted to God.  By caring for our homeland and
    people, we shall store treasures and store them abundantly for the eternal
    life proclaimed to us by the feast of the Holy Resurrection.

    `As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him. 
    Rooted and built up in him, and established in the faith, as ye have been
    taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving.'  (Colossians 2:6-7)

    With the tiding of the glorious resurrection of our Lord, from the Mother
    See of Holy Etchmiadzin and the Illuminator's holy throne, we extend
    greetings with fraternal love in Christ to the incumbents of the hierarchal
    sees of our Holy Apostolic Church:  His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of the
    Great House of Cilicia; His Beatitude Torkom Manoogian, Armenian Patriarch
    of Jerusalem; His Beatitude Mesrob Mutafian, Armenian Patriarch of
    Constantinople; and all graceful heads of Sister Churches.  We convey our
    pontifical love and blessings to all diligent servants of our Holy Church
    and our faithful sons and daughters dispersed throughout the world.

    We greet and bless the president of the Republic of Armenia, Robert
    Kocharian; president-elect and prime minister of Armenia Serzh Sargsian;
    president of the Republic of Nagorno Karabagh Bako Sahakian, all Armenian
    state officials and leaders and representatives of diplomatic missions
    accredited to Armenia.

    We pray for heavenly peace to be established in our homeland, throughout the
    world and within the souls of all men.

    May the giver and guide of life - our Lord Jesus Christ - bless our lives
    and illuminate the path of the Armenian nation with the light of His
    resurrection, and may grace, love, faith, hope and strength be with all our
    people and the world entire.  Amen.

    Christ is Risen from the dead.
    Blessed is the Resurrection of Christ.