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ANKARA: AK Party Has Become A Party Known Globally, Bagis

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  • ANKARA: AK Party Has Become A Party Known Globally, Bagis

    Turkish Press
    March 23 2008

    AK Party Has Become A Party Known Globally, Bagis
    Published: 3/23/2008

    ISTANBUL - Egemen Bagis, deputy chairman of the ruling Justice and
    Development (AK) Party, said Saturday that the AK Party has become a
    party known globally.
    AK Party has become a party followed closely globally, Bagis noted.

    Speaking at a meeting on AK Party's foreign policy, Bagis indicated
    that "we began walking with a leader that many defined as not
    qualified enough to become a village headman. He (Recep Tayyip
    Erdogan) is not merely a leader in Turkey but is among the foremost
    leaders of the world. He has become a leader that many turn to for
    resolving problems globally."

    Turkey's co-chairing of the Alliance of Civilizations and its status
    as a country that is consulted for problems in the Middle East are
    realities that every one should be proud of in Turkey, Bagis

    Touching on the Turkish economy, Bagis noted that, for the past 23
    quarters, Turkish economy has been growing. "No crisis took place in
    Turkey during the rule of the AK Party," Bagis indicated.

    "Turkey's Central Bank foreign exchange reserves are at 70 billion
    USD. If Erdogan was to order, we would be able to pay our debt to IMF
    ten times," Bagis remarked.

    In regard to Armenian allegations concerning the incidents of 1915,
    Bagis said that this issue has caused an headache for Turkey for

    Turkey has opened all of its archives on the related period and
    Erdogan made a call to Armenia to jointly study the archives, Bagis

    "However, no reply came from Armenia in regard to Erdogan's
    invitation," Bagis said.

    In reference to Iraq, Bagis told that Turkey has done all it can
    prior to the war and after the war in Iraq.

    "Turkey pays high attention to the territorial integrity of Iraq as
    well as peace in this country," Bagis underlined.

    Bagis stressed that the Republic of Turkey is the only country that
    all nations in the Middle East have confidence in.

    Egemen Bagis underscored that it was AK Party that began entry
    negotiations with the European Union (EU).

    "To date, there is no country that began negotiations with the EU and
    never completed them. Turkey will sooner or later conclude
    negotiations. The day when negotiations will be completed, Turkey
    will be a different country. I look at the EU as Turkey's dietician.
    27 countries have become affluent and peaceful ones with EU's
    prescriptions," Bagis also said.