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ANCA Urges Zeroing Out Mil Aid to Azerbaijan in House Testimony

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  • ANCA Urges Zeroing Out Mil Aid to Azerbaijan in House Testimony

    Armenian National Committee of America
    1711 N Street NW
    Washington, DC 20036
    Tel. (202) 775-1918
    Fax. (202) 775-5648
    Email [email protected]

    March 24, 2008
    Contact: Elizabeth S. Chouldjian
    Tel: (202) 775-1918


    -- Government Affairs Director Outlines Full Range
    of Armenian American Foreign Aid Priorities

    WASHINGTON, DC - The Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA)
    offered the Armenian American community's perspective on six key
    areas of U.S. foreign aid policy in testimony submitted to House
    Appropriations Subcommittee on State-Foreign Operations.

    ANCA Government Affairs Director Kate Nahapetian outlined the
    recommendations of the Armenian American community to the panel,
    which is currently deliberating the Fiscal Year 2009 (FY09) foreign
    aid bill. Nahapetian noted the critical role the United States has
    played in assisting Armenia against aggression, dating back to the
    genocide. She also outlined the threats Armenia faces today, and
    stressed the need to cut all military aid to Azerbaijan, because of
    its recent attacks against Nagorno Karabagh and increasing
    indications it plans to renew its aggression against Armenians. In
    the worst cease-fire violation in over a decade, Azerbaijan
    attacked Karabagh in early March, claiming the lives of at least
    eight people.

    "Clearly, Azerbaijan should not receive U.S. military aid as long
    as it threatens to use, or in fact actually employs, its large and
    growing arsenal in offensive actions against Armenians," explained
    Nahapetian. "Sending military aid to Azerbaijan in the face of
    these threats only emboldens Baku to continue its belligerence,
    while, at the same time, threatening stability, and undermining the
    U.S. role as an impartial mediator," continued Nahapetian.

    The six key issues Nahapetian addressed in detail in her testimony

    1) Zeroing out of military aid to Azerbaijan:
    2) $70 Million in Economic Support Funds for Armenia
    3) $10 million in direct development aid to Nagorno Karabagh
    4) Removing barriers to U.S. relations with Nagorno Karabagh
    5) $5 million in military assistance to Armenia
    6) Maintaining Section 907 of the FREEDOM Support Act

    The full text of the ANCA's testimony is provided below.


    Armenian National Committee of America

    "The Armenian American Community
    and U.S. Foreign Assistance Policy"

    Presented by Kate Nahapetian,
    Government Affairs Director

    Testimony before the House Appropriations Subcommittee
    on State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs

    March 20, 2008

    Thank you Chairwoman Lowey, Ranking Member Wolf, and Members of the
    House Appropriations Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations, and
    Related Programs for once again providing the Armenian National
    Committee of America with the opportunity to contribute the views
    of our community to your discussions concerning the foreign aid

    As members of this panel know, the enduring friendship between the
    American and Armenian peoples dates back to the era of the Armenian
    Genocide. American leaders, such as President Woodrow Wilson,
    diplomats, most notably U.S. Ambassador to the Ottoman Empire Henry
    Morgenthau, and relief workers, among them American Red Cross
    founder Clara Barton, played a critical role in protesting Ottoman
    Turkey's systematic murder of the Armenian people and in helping to
    alleviate the suffering of those who survived. These noble
    efforts, to a very great extent, marked the introduction of America
    on the world stage as an advocate for international justice, human
    rights and humanitarian values. It is fitting then that we
    continue, today, to promote these values through a robust foreign
    aid package to Armenia and Nagorno Karabagh.

    The U.S. and the Armenian governments have steadily expanded
    relations based on a history of shared values and common interests
    in a secure stable Caucasus and Caspian region. I would like,
    today, to offer our thought about how we can help write the next
    chapter in this partnership by briefly outlining our foreign aid
    priorities for the coming year.

    1) Zeroing out of military aid to Azerbaijan:

    We should not provide military aid to a state that continues to
    threaten the Armenian people.

    On February 15th of this year, 52 U.S. Representatives called upon
    the Secretary of State to challenge Azerbaijan's threats of war,
    and to hold its leaders accountable for undermining our long-
    standing policy of fostering peace and stability in the South
    Caucasus. The Azerbaijani leadership, ignoring these warnings,
    acted on their threats in early March of 2008, by launching attacks
    against defensive positions in the Mardakert region of northeast
    Nagorno Karabagh. This attack, the worst cease-fire violation in
    over a decade, tragically claimed at least eight lives.

    The day before this Azerbaijani attack on Karabagh on March 4,
    2008, Reuters reported that Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliev was
    ready to take Nagorno Karabagh by force and was, in fact, buying
    the military equipment to do exactly that. The Economist reported
    in November of 2007 that President Aliev had promised that his
    military budget, now $1 billion a year, would overtake Armenia's
    entire budget. On October 30th Aliev said, "We should be ready at
    any moment to liberate the occupied territories by military means."

    Clearly, Azerbaijan should not receive U.S. military aid as long as
    it threatens to use, or in fact actually employs, its large and
    growing arsenal in offensive actions against Armenians. We should
    not, in any way, add to Azerbaijan's military capabilities until
    after Azerbaijan's leaders renounce aggression, cease their threats
    of violence, and affirm their commitment to a peaceful settlement
    of the Nagorno Karabagh issue. Sending military aid to Azerbaijan
    in the face of these threats only emboldens Baku to continue its
    belligerence, while, at the same time, threatening stability, and
    undermining the U.S. role as an impartial mediator.

    In addition to zeroing out military aid to Azerbaijan, Congress
    should carefully monitor all aid provided to Azerbaijan, including
    the Caspian Guard Program, Nonproliferation, Antiterrorism, De-
    mining and Related Assistance, and other military-related programs,
    to ensure that this aid neither enables nor encourages renewed
    Azerbaijani aggression.

    2) $70 Million in Economic Support Funds for Armenia

    We call for language setting at least $70 million in FY 2009
    economic aid to Armenia.

    Since Armenia's independence in 1991, U.S. aid has played a vital
    role in meeting humanitarian needs, fostering democratic reforms,
    and building self-sustaining economic growth. Enduring an over
    decade-long illegal blockade by both Turkey and Azerbaijan,
    economic assistance to land-locked Armenia is crucial. These
    blockades have been estimated by the World Bank as costing Armenia
    at least $720 million a year. Democracy assistance is especially
    important today as Armenia confronts new challenges, particularly
    those following the most recent Presidential elections. While
    viewed favorably by the Organization for Security and Cooperation
    in Europe and other international observers, the tensions that
    followed this vote underscore the need for U.S. support for the
    further strengthening of democratic institutions.

    Our support for Armenia truly represents an investment in freedom.
    Today, just 17 years after freeing itself from Communist rule,
    Armenia is rated one of the freest economies in the world, and one
    of the least corrupt in the region. The Wall Street Journal-
    Heritage Foundation's most recent Index of Economic Freedom ranked
    Armenia as the 28th freest economy in the world, ahead of Spain,
    Austria, and Georgia, and far ahead of its neighbors Turkey and

    Today, with U.S. help, Armenia is a member of the World Trade
    Organization, International Monetary Fund, and World Bank; has
    signed agreements with the U.S. on trade, investments, and the
    protection of investments; holds regular Economic Task Force
    meetings, and, in 2005, was granted Permanent Normal Trade
    Relations. In large part as a result of reforms supported by U.S.
    aid, Armenia's economy has grown by more than 10% in each of the
    past 6 years, more than doubling Armenia's Gross National Product.

    We are encouraged by Armenia's participation in the Millennium
    Challenge Account. We must, however, stress that the
    Administration made explicitly clear to Congress when this program
    was initiated that it would not be a substitute for normal foreign
    aid but would rather serve to augment it. In the case of Armenia,
    the MCA is designed to help alleviate poverty through the
    strengthening of Armenia's rural infrastructure, primarily in the
    areas of roads and irrigation. Economic aid, by contrast, provides
    concrete and vitally needed assistance for key reforms in
    democratic governance, health care, social protection, and

    3) $10 million in direct development assistance for Nagorno

    We encourage the allocation of no less than $10 million in FY09
    assistance for development programs in Nagorno Karabagh. Nagorno
    Karabagh has a solid track record, since declaring independence in
    1991, of building a durable democracy, a free market economy, a
    society based on respect for human rights - as illustrated by the
    conduct of four parliamentary and three presidential elections, all
    praised by international monitors as free and fair.

    Retargeting U.S. aid programs from humanitarian to development aid
    is long overdue. For the past decade, the U.S. Congress has played
    a unique and vital role in providing direct aid to meet pressing
    humanitarian needs in Nagorno Karabagh, helping its people to
    rebuild their lives after years of devastating Azerbaijani
    aggression and ethnic cleansing. The success of these programs in
    leveraging local efforts has dramatically reduced Nagorno
    Karabagh's once-daunting humanitarian challenges. Making the shift
    >From humanitarian to developmental aid will allow us to support
    democracy, economic reform, and the prospects for peace in a
    strategically important region. Vital projects that would benefit
    >From such funding include the establishment of badly needed medical
    facilities, which cannot be entirely funded currently by local
    sources. Development aid will further strengthen democracy through
    election reforms and civic and media programs, represent a powerful
    symbol of U.S. support for Nagorno Karabagh's commitment to a fair
    and lasting peace, and help create conditions conducive to greater
    regional stability.

    4) Restoring U.S. diplomatic relations with Nagorno Karabagh

    We call on the Subcommittee to include language urging the
    Administration to support U.S. diplomatic relations with Nagorno
    Karabagh, along the following lines:

    "The Appropriations Committee directs the State Department to move
    in the direction of diplomatic relations with Nagorno-Karabagh. An
    open dialogue between the United States and the people of Nagorno-
    Karabagh will serve to alleviate international threats to Nagorno-
    Karabagh and aid in a peaceful resolution to regional conflicts."

    The time has come for ending outdated and counter-productive
    restrictions on the free exchange of ideas between U.S. officials
    and the democratically elected leaders of Nagorno Karabagh.

    These outdated restrictions - put in place by the State Department
    more than 15 years ago - stand in the way of this long overdue
    dialogue. They prevent meetings, block travel, prohibit exchange
    programs, and bar cooperation on public health, counter-
    proliferation, anti-narcotics, and other issues. These
    restrictions even hinder direct oversight of U.S. assistance
    programs in Nagorno Karabagh. The only direct channel of
    communication left open is through the OSCE Minsk Group. The
    continuation of these restrictions only place artificial limits on
    our understanding of the region, hinder our diplomatic efforts to
    reach a durable peace, and undermine our effectiveness in promoting
    the growth of democracy.

    5) $5 million in military aid to Armenia

    We call for $4 million in Foreign Military Financing and $1 million
    in International Military Education and Training. Military aid
    plays a vital role in strengthening the U.S.-Armenia partnership
    and in demonstrating and deepening America's commitment to
    Armenia's security. The growth of this relationship reflects the
    shared values and a common concern for regional and international
    peace and stability. The following are among the most notable
    areas of cooperation:

    * Armenia is partner in the global war on terror, contributes
    troops to Coalition operations in Iraq, and supplies forces to
    support NATO peacekeeping in Kosovo.

    * To help ensure the transparency of its Armed Forces and enhance
    the spirit of cooperation with the U.S, Armenia worked with the
    Department of Defense to conduct a successful Defense Assessment
    and to help prepare Armenia's first National Security Strategy.

    * With U.S. help, the Armenian military created a modern and well-
    equipped de-mining training center, and established a State
    Partnership Program with Kansas.

    * Armenia has ratified a Status of Forces Agreement with NATO and
    concluded a bilateral Article 98 Agreement, providing safeguards to
    U.S. military personnel in Armenia.

    6) Section 907 of the FREEDOM Support Act

    We ask the panel to reject any attempts to weaken Section 907 of
    the FREEDOM Support Act and to ensure the Administration's strict
    compliance with its conditional authority to waive this law.

    As members of this Subcommittee know, Section 907 of the Freedom
    Support Act, a law first enacted more than 15 years ago, stands as
    a statement of United States opposition to Azerbaijan's blockades
    and other aggressive uses of force against Armenia and Nagorno
    Karabagh. Sadly, despite this law, Azerbaijan has refused either
    to lift its illegal blockades or to agree to a purely peaceful path
    to the resolution of the Nagorno Karabagh conflict. In fact, as I
    noted earlier, Azerbaijan has actually increased its aggression
    against Nagorno Karabagh.

    We call for Congressional oversight over the President's
    conditional authority to waive Section 907, which requires him to
    certify that no U.S. aid will be used for offensive purposes. In
    light of Azerbaijan's escalating rhetoric, outright attacks, and
    growing military arsenal - made all the larger through U.S.
    military aid - we do not today believe that such a certification is
    supported by the facts on the ground. We urge this panel to
    carefully investigate this provision of law.

    In closing, please know that the ANCA respects and values your
    friendship and the Subcommittee's long-standing leadership on
    issues of concern to Armenian Americans.