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BAKU: All Four Of Its Immediate Neighbors Voted Against Yerevan At T

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  • BAKU: All Four Of Its Immediate Neighbors Voted Against Yerevan At T


    Azeri Press Agency
    March 24 2008

    Consul General Elin Suleymanov: As a result of Armenia's own
    irresponsible policies in the region, all four of its immediate
    neighbors voted against Yerevan at the UN General Assembly

    Los Angeles. Husniyya Hasanova - APA. Consul General of Azerbaijan
    in Los Angeles Elin Suleymanov interviewed by APA

    - Recently a group of Armenian Diaspora members in California issued
    a statement criticizing the Government of Azerbaijan and you in
    particular for trying to divide Armenia and the Armenian Diaspora.

    Azerbaijan was accused of "divide and conquer" policy towards the
    Armenians. How would you comment on this?

    - I am very surprised to hear about the statement you described in
    your question. As you know, Azerbaijan does not and has no intention
    to interfere in anyone's internal affairs. This has been a repeatedly
    stated policy by our Government. On the contrary, it is unfortunate
    that the Armenian side has been trying to involve Azerbaijan into
    its domestic political confrontation. First, the voting for Armenian
    president was organized on Azerbaijan's occupied territories; then,
    the Armenian side initiated a military provocation along the line of
    contact, apparently, in order to distract attention from the events
    in Yerevan. Now, some Diaspora members are saying that Azerbaijan
    is responsible for political divisions among Armenians. I don't know
    who the authors of the statement you mentioned are. However, it is an
    old trick to blame someone externally when one has problems internally.

    While predictable, blaming Azerbaijan for Armenia's current problems
    by Armenian radicals is simply absurd. After all, it was not the
    Azerbaijani side, who protested in Yerevan, and it was not the
    Azerbaijani soldiers, who shot at the protesters in Armenia. Once
    again, Azerbaijan takes no sides in Armenia's domestic political crises
    and would like to stay away from it. Similarly, the Azerbaijani side
    has no interest in "dividing" and "conquering" anyone. Maybe, the
    authors of the statement forgot that we do not represent Armenia. Of
    course, the current Armenian leaders come from among the separatists
    based on Azerbaijan's occupied territories, but it seems unfair to
    blame Azerbaijan for their behavior.

    - So, Azerbaijan should have no concerns regarding the recent political
    crisis in Armenia?

    - The Azerbaijani side hopes that the Armenian political confrontation
    will have no destabilizing influence on our region as a whole. Let's
    look at the context, however. Our region is developing rapidly
    and Azerbaijan, Georgia and other nations have built a strong
    network of partnerships. Armenia could have been a part of our
    region's success. Instead, as a result of self-imposed isolation and
    short-sighted policy of aggressive ethnic expansionism conducted by
    Yerevan, Armenia is sacrificing its own future and is causing damage
    to Azerbaijan as a result of occupation and ethnic cleansing. The
    events in Armenia today come as a direct result of a political
    culture based on use of violence and ethnic intolerance. Therefore,
    on the regional level, it is important whether Armenia's politicians
    understand the importance of a peaceful and sustainable settlement
    with Azerbaijan for the future of their own nation. Of course, it is
    up to the Armenians themselves to decide how they want their country
    to develop. Notably, during the recent UN General Assembly vote on
    the resolution on the occupied territories of Azerbaijan all four of
    Armenia's neighbors voted for the resolution and against Armenia.

    They are Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkey and, after sending a special
    request to the UN Secretariat to count its vote as positive, Iran.

    The Armenian Government spokesman dismissed these and many other
    nations, which voted for the resolution by implying that they are not
    "civilized." Still, if being in an absolute minority at the General
    Assembly doesn't send Yerevan a message, then having every neighbor
    calling on Armenia to cease its occupation of Azerbaijan should.