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CBA Re-Rates 6 Enterprises

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  • CBA Re-Rates 6 Enterprises


    Noyan Tapan
    March 25, 2008

    YEREVAN, MARCH 25, NOYAN TAPAN. The Central Bank of Armenia (CBA) has
    re-rated six enterprises. According to the CBA press service, ratings
    have been assigned to the following enterprises: Lusakert Poultry
    Factory LLC - B- rating (previous rating C+), Renco Armestate LLC - B-
    (C), Yerevan Poultry Factory OJSC - C+ (C), Yerevan Hotel OJSC - C
    (C-), Mill AG CJSC - C (C-), and Royal Armenia joint venture LLC -
    C (previous rating C-). Until now 36 companies have received CBA's
    ratings from B+ to D.

    The CBA assigns ratings to enterprises by assessing the values of
    the qualitative indices of their credit history, financial position
    and activity based on a five-point system and then summarizing
    the results. The highest rating is A, while the lowest one is
    F. Enterprises with a score of 4.9 and higher receive A+ rating,
    those with a score of 4.75-4.9 receive A rating, with a score of
    4.6-4.75 - A- rating, with a score of 4.45-4.6 - B+ rating, with
    a score of 4.25-4.45 - B rating, and enterprises with a score of
    4.1-4.25 receive B- rating. F rating is assigned to enterprises with
    a score of 2 and lower.

    During the signing of repo agreements with banks, the CBA is ready
    to take as a security the bonds issued by enterprises with A, B and
    C ratings. The CBA has established a privileged scale for weighing
    the risks of banks' assets - for credits given by commercial banks to
    enterprises with a high rating, as well as for the purchase of bonds
    of enterprises with a high rating by commercial banks. It encourages
    banks to provide credits to enterprises with a high rating and to
    buy their bonds.