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NKR: A Working Conference In National Assembly

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  • NKR: A Working Conference In National Assembly


    Azat Artsakh Daily
    Published on March 25, 2008
    NKR Republic

    On March 24th the Speaker of NKR National Assembly Ashot Ghoulian
    convened a working conference by participation of of the chairmen
    of premenant commissions and executives of the stuff's services.
    The theme of discussion was the question of participation of
    legislative body in state arrangements directed to the natural
    calamity - storm, taken place on March 22nd in the republic, harms
    and their abolishment. It was noted, that because of strog wind
    housing resources of Stepanakert and other regions of the republic,
    substructures of different spheres of vital activity were harmed. The
    situation has been completely controled just after the disaster by
    the authorities. And owing to operative works of the headquarters
    created by the President of the republic an activity by automatic
    regime of vital ensuring's objects has been basically restored. At
    present the bodies of executive authorities study the sizes of harms
    and volums of restoring works on the spot. An exchange of opinions
    round the question took place, as a result of which the deputies of
    NA were assigned to tour these days in their electoral districts'
    communities, have meetings in population's circles and close with
    working commissions of executive authority to participate also
    in harms'investigation. Other forms and means of parliament's
    participation in the process of abolishment of natural calamity's
    after-effects were also discussed. (Press service of NKR NA reported).