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Proposal For Dialogue Addressed To Everyone

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  • Proposal For Dialogue Addressed To Everyone

    Gevorg Harutyunyan

    Hayots Ashkhar Daily
    March 25, 2008

    As a result of long-term discussions and negotiations, on March 21,
    four Parliamentary Parties, the Republican Party "Bargavach Hayastan",
    "Orinats Yerkir" and ARF Dashnaktsutyun signed an agreement on the
    formation of a political coalition. The correspondent of "Hayots
    Ashkharh" daily tried to clarify from the Secretary of "Bargavach
    Hayastan" Parliamentary faction Aram Safaryan to what extent can the
    political coalition contribute to the discharge of the post-election

    Dialogue - the only condition to succeed

    "In my view the format of the political coalition is a success and
    in essence corresponds to the ratio of the political powers having
    appeared in the internal political domain due to the post-election
    developments. The formation of coalition is an equivalent response
    to the challenges faced by the country and the people.

    The coalition agreement is a comprehensive document, where all
    the problems recorded are primary. All the four parties that have
    formed coalition are responsible for the implementation of all the
    clauses. The active and principled discussion inside coalition, the
    collision of the viewpoints, mutual agreements are guarantees for a
    regular activity, which must exclude fractionist struggle.

    The thing is, more than one million people, are backing the four
    parties that have formed coalition, which gives the right to commit
    themselves to leading the country for a long period of time. In that
    period there will be a necessity to overcome all the difficulties
    faced by the country and the people. Besides the social polarization
    and the atmosphere of confrontation created after the elections,
    the primary issue of our Foreign Policy, Artsakh problem is very
    tensed. If we don't unite to solve all the internal and external
    problems, coalition will fail. Dialogue is the only condition to
    succeed. Instead of treading on one another's toes we must cooperate."

    "Mr. Safaryan how is it possible to bring the radicals to a dialogue
    or cooperation?"

    "Society, at the moment, is divided into two equal parts. The army of
    our supporters is two times more than theirs, but the small opposition
    is radical and very strong-minded. We invite them for a dialogue. This
    of course doesn't mean that they will all make part of government
    and hold posts. It is impossible to include everyone in government
    at once. But it is possible to have a strong and practical authority
    and a responsible and strong opposition, in the meantime. To achieve
    this, our opposition must give up the tactics of demonstrations and
    protest marches, to perform a more effective political activity and
    appear with constructive programs rather than enmity and hatred."