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BAKU: Matthew Bryza: Nobody In Azerbaijan Has Agreed On The Vote Abo

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  • BAKU: Matthew Bryza: Nobody In Azerbaijan Has Agreed On The Vote Abo


    Azeri Press Agency
    March 27 2008

    For the first time OSCE Minsk Group US co-chair announced the main
    items of basic document on the solution of Nagorno Karabakh conflict
    which have not been accepted by Azerbaijan.

    OSCE Minsk Group US co-chair Matthew Bryza's interview with APA

    Washington, Husniyya Hasanova -APA. OSCE Minsk Group US co-chair
    announced for the first time in his interview with APA the main items
    of basic document on the solution of Nagorno Karabakh conflict which
    have not been accepted by Azerbaijan. He didn't say anything about
    the including of Nagorno karabakh referendum in the negotiation
    agenda, but said that no body in Azerbaijan has agreed on the vote
    about Nagorno-Karabakh future status. US diplomat said US supported
    non-campaign against the resolution initiated by Azerbaijan and had
    to vote against this document.

    -Mr. Bryza, yesterday Azerbaijani deputy foreign minister Araz Azimov
    confirmed that Azerbaijan sent a letter to the OSCE Secretariat
    searching the procedures of changing the countries or persons of OSCE
    Minsk Group. How this matter will affect on the negotiation process?

    -I have no idea. I heard that deputy minister Azimov was thinking
    something about changing the composition of Minsk group or dissolving
    it before. I will hope that deputy minister will remain serious
    the negotiations. It is very much in the court of Azerbaijan and
    of cause of Armenia, to finish the basic principals that are so
    close to finalization. So it is time for serious diplomats to do
    serious work and playing around with gestures that is not intended
    to have the practical impact on advancing the negotiation is not
    constructive. I think that we need get back to work and I would hope
    that the government of Azerbaijan will continue to behave with us
    as a strong friend, strong partner with which it has engaged in the
    issue of strategic importance.

    -Why we needed in the discussion of Nagorno Karabakh conflict in
    UN General Assembly and in the Council of Europe several years ago,
    if the Minsk Group is the most optimal format for the negotiations?

    -I would not speculate on the government of Azerbaijan or at least
    one representative of the government of Azerbaijan's motivation. It
    is up the deputy minister Azimov, who I am big fan by the way, to
    explain his motivation. What I can do is to call our strong partner
    Azerbaijan for rejuvenation all of the hard work and progress we have
    been making toward finalizing the basic principals.

    - A few days ago in one of your interviews you made a statement never
    issued before and said that some forces in Baku are interested in
    the failure of US-Azerbaijan relationship. Who are those forces?

    - I don't clearly understand who is entirely behind this effort. What
    I hope is that one of the most successful partnership and friendship
    in this part of the world is the partnership between U.S. and
    Azerbaijan. I don't understand the people who claim that somehow our
    friendship and partnership was put the test by this resolution in NY.

    Real friends don't put each other to the test, real friends trust
    each other and if Azerbaijan decided to push forward the resolution
    that we urged to stop pushing forward that's Azerbaijan prerogative
    and we respect it. Once again, Azerbaijan is our friend and has a
    right to do what he wants to do in UN. But our opinion did not stop
    them. For some reasons, some people in Azerbaijan are talking about
    the USA put in the test and that implies that somehow we failed this
    test. I can't imagine why anybody would want to claim that the USA
    failed the test with a friend like Azerbaijan.

    I can assume that they are only gestures. Based on the honor which I
    have had to have interaction in the highest level I sense nothing but
    a sense of partnership and sense of friendship, and understanding that
    we were forced to the situation where we had to vote on the resolution
    which we don't want to vote. In a fact, at the highest level we
    talked about our desire to take a little bit more time and try to work
    together to edit or to amend the draft resolution so we can abstain
    or may be even support it. We strongly urged our superior colleges
    in the highest level of Azerbaijan government to do just that. For
    some reasons, the decision was taken to push keeping forward and to
    force us to vote. We felt that because of resolution was so one sided
    and only embraced parts of basic principals that Azerbaijan seeks,
    it would be different things for negotiating process to do anything
    but vote NO. But with couple of minor changes, we could certainly
    have abstain or vote YES, vote in favor of the draft resolution. So
    we did not decide to create this challenge. We asked our Azerbaijani
    partners and friends to step away from a brick of confrontation. So
    once again, why any body in Azerbaijan would force a confrontation
    with the USA. It is beyond me. I thought that we are considered an
    important friend and partner of Azerbaijan.

    - You have already announced some points of the negotiation process,
    which include securing of the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan,
    withdrawal of occupier forces from Nagorno Karabakh and nearby areas,
    return of refugees to their homeland, sending of international
    peacekeepers to the frontline. All these points meet Azerbaijani
    interests, but why Azerbaijan should be dissatisfied with the
    Minsk Group. Shall you announce the points not accepted by the Baku
    officials in this interview, because only knowing the two sides of
    truth, we can determine whose interests do the basic principals meet?

    - I did something that are seen from Azerbaijani perspective as being
    to the Armenian advantage like having a corridor that links Azerbaijani
    Nagorno-Karabakh territory with Armenia. That's what Armenian very much
    wants and what Azerbaijan is not thrilled much about. The main issue
    is that there is a contention about future status of Nagorno-Karabakh
    is subject of negotiation. That is something which many people in
    Azerbaijan don't like and it is understandable. Our policy is that
    we support territorial integrity of Azerbaijan and we stated it in
    the UN General Assembly voting too.

    At the same time, the government of Azerbaijan is engaged in the
    negotiations with the government of Armenia on Nagorno-Karabakh
    which means on a status of Nagorno-Karabakh then they would have to
    compromise if they want to have a solution. Compromise comes from
    negotiations. But some people in Azerbaijan don't want to negotiate
    about the compromise regarding the future status of Nagorno-Karabakh.

    That all dispute is about. If they don't want to negotiate about this
    point then there is no sense for negotiations to be continued at all.

    You can't judge the outcome of negotiating process until you go to
    the negotiation.

    - Are you speaking about the referendum or any elections in another
    format in Nagorno Karabakh in future?

    -Let me say that nothing decided yet but there is a question of the
    possibility of some voting process. Some type of vote that would
    determine Karabakh's status in the future. Nothing has been decided,
    the type of vote has not been decided, and who will participate has
    not been decided, when it ever will take place is not decided. None
    of this has been decided. It is very controversial topic and the
    challenge is to find the way to reconcile the need for compromise that
    entails the subjects which I mentioned, with Azerbaijan territorial
    integrity. That is a great challenge. That all negotiation is about,
    that is what the basic principals' aim to do and that why we are
    unable to do anything but vote against resolution in UN.

    - I have been informed that particularly Russian and French diplomats
    resisted against the UN General Assembly's resolution initiated by
    Azerbaijan and tried to press on the ambassadors of other countries.

    US diplomats were less diligent. Does this fact show that the Minsk
    Group co-chairs have different approaches in a number of points?

    - The co-chairs are operating as one team. I did not know that if my
    Russian and French counterparts were knocking each door. I do know
    that my French counterpart has responsibility as EU's representative
    in the Minsk group among co-chairs to coordinate with other EU
    member states. I can speak on behalf of our government was doing
    and I never and no one in the government of the USA was authorized
    to contact any country representative in anywhere in the world, be
    it NY or any other capital and encourage them to vote NO. Instead,
    I sent very clear instruction out saying that it is not our policy
    to encourage the negative vote. We were simply voting on our own, as
    co-chairs to reflect what we viewed as our responsibility to remain
    neutral. We thought that the resolution was very no neutral and the
    only way for ourselves to remain neutrality was to vote NO. It was
    very and very difficult decision. Personally, I agonized over it and
    lost sleep over it. You have talked about different approaches of
    the governments. I know what our approach toward Azerbaijan is.

    Azerbaijan is very important partner to us and friend, and I have
    responsibility for our full range of relations with Azerbaijan. I
    want to do nothing to hurt those relationships. Our government and
    my approach is that we have to be close to Azerbaijan as much as
    possible but to be in capacity as a fair and honest broker within
    the Minsk group.

    - Azerbaijani Ambassador to UN Aqshin Mehdiyev said that co-chairs'
    words about neutrality indicated that they have no positions. What
    can you say about that?

    - I understand why Azerbaijan would feel that because Azerbaijan
    felt very strongly about this resolution. We respect Azerbaijan's
    right to go the UN and make its point. We expect that our friends
    in Azerbaijan will respect our right as members of UN to have our
    own view. Because we are friends does not mean that we stop thinking
    and stop evaluating things which make sense for entire negotiations
    process here in Washington. We care very much about Azerbaijan and
    we think that we maintain neutrality.

    At the end, I want to emphasize two points. First, nothing in the
    negotiating process agreed until an entire package is agreed. So
    nobody has agreed to any kind of vote on Karabakh's future status. No
    body has agreed on anything. We simply have negotiations going on in
    delicate and balanced way. So if we are going to speak publicly about
    the principals in the table as it happened in UN, we can't talk on
    one half of principals which one country likes. We have to talk about
    both side of equation and help ourselves to reach a compromise. That
    is first point and nothing is agreed while everything is agreed.

    Second, Azerbaijan is such a close friend of ours that there is
    nothing, and anything especially which I would like to do to undermine
    our friendship. I feel very close to many officials, leaders of
    Azerbaijan and it is special place to me both professionally and
    personally. So I hope that my colleges and my friends in Azerbaijan
    trust in our friendship enough to know that I would never do anything
    to hurt Azerbaijan. I am being professional and some times, when we
    make tough professional decision, it is not only painful to the object
    of this decision, which is Azerbaijan, but for the person who made
    decision themselves which is me. So with all this in mind, it is time
    to move forward. This incident is over, we should drop it. Azerbaijan
    and the USA have very important issues on their agenda. It is time
    to move ahead, finalize the basic principals, realize our energy
    agenda, strengthen democratic institutions as we moving toward 2008
    presidential elections in Azerbaijan and finally deepen our security
    cooperation. And I need that is last time we need speak about the
    issue of the Generally Assembly. We need to move forward.

    - Mr. Bryza, my last question: do the co-chairs support any elections
    in Nagorno Karabakh and is it reflected in the basic document?

    We don't support anything. The Minsk group has no opinion on any
    of this. All what do is facilitating the communication between the
    countries of Azerbaijan and Armenia.

    Let don't go too much in details of basic principals document. What
    is there that the notion that there is need for compromise between
    the principal of territorial integrity of Azerbaijan which is so
    important and the idea of self determination of people. The challenge
    is to find away to maintain harmony between both principals. No body
    in Azerbaijan has agreed on the vote about Nagorno-Karabakh future
    status. People have talked about how to reach a compromise between
    those seemingly contradictive principals. If it was easy we would be
    done long time ago.