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Economist: Troubled Armenia: Protests Continued

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  • Economist: Troubled Armenia: Protests Continued


    Economist d/europe/displaystory.cfm?story_id=10925842
    March 27 2008

    Armenia is still teetering, and war clouds are gathering

    IN HIS Easter service Karekin II, spiritual leader of Armenian
    Christians, exhorted his congregation to be "one flock, with one
    shepherd". For diplomats present the prelate's words were laced
    with meaning. Might he be urging Armenians to rally behind the
    president-elect, Serzh Sarkisian?

    Over a month after Mr Sarkisian, the prime minister, declared victory
    in the February 19th presidential election, his future is uncertain.

    Trouble began when thousands of protesters led by his rival, Levon
    Ter-Petrosian, took to the streets, claiming that Mr Sarkisian stole
    the vote. The protests turned bloody when eight people were killed
    on March 1st. Emergency rule was imposed, although it was lifted as
    promised on March 21st. But later that day hundreds of riot police
    intervened when a largely female crowd tried to hold a vigil in memory
    of the dead.

    Opposition supporters are being arrested in droves. One activist
    alleged that his car was torched because he backed a pro-opposition
    news channel, Gala. A hastily crafted law to bar political gatherings
    has been approved by parliament. Such tactics are calculated to stifle
    opposition for good. But can they?

    Some Western diplomats fret that Armenia's strife might tempt a
    bellicose Azerbaijan to try and regain control of the disputed enclave
    of Nagorno-Karabakh. The Azeris are said to be spooked by Kosovo's
    successful campaign for independence and fear that Nagorno-Karabakh
    might win international recognition. Ominously, Azerbaijan threatened
    to pull out of international peace talks after America, Russia and
    France voted against a UN resolution calling for the withdrawal of
    Armenian forces from Nagorno-Karabakh and the surrounding region. This
    follows some of the deadliest border skirmishes between Azeri and
    Armenian forces in years.

    Mr Sarkisian is due to be sworn in on April 9th. He "needs to win
    the confidence of the Armenian people, so that we may unite before
    this threat [from Azerbaijan]," says one official. The surest way
    to do that would be to order an independent investigation of the
    March 1st events, declare an amnesty for recent political detainees,
    and form a cabinet untainted by graft, suggests Anahit Bakshian,
    an opposition member of parliament.

    The Americans are threatening to freeze millions of dollars in aid.

    Armenia should "pull itself together and get back on a democratic
    path," says Dan Fried, of the State Department. Or Armenia "may go the
    Belarus way," says Mrs Bakshian. Yet few believe that this is what Mr
    Sarkisian would choose. Although a nationalist and no liberal, he has
    presided over record growth and a sharp reduction in poverty. A chess
    player and veteran of the Karabakh war in the 1990s, Mr Sarkisian
    has kept close ties with Russia even as he has courted the West.

    Mikhail Baghdassarov, a businessman and ally of Mr Sarkisian, believes
    he will usher in young Western-trained technocrats and make the
    market-friendly governor of the central bank, Tigran Sarkisian, prime
    minister. Mr Ter-Petrosian vows to keep his supporters on the streets
    until the election is overturned. There is a whiff of revenge about
    his campaign, but his fiery talk of justice and freedom has inspired
    Armenians. "Until this election I wasn't interested in politics. Levon
    gave us the feeling that we can shape our own destiny," says a young
    Armenian painter. "No amount of repression can take that feeling away."