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RUSAL Issued Encyclopedia Of Aluminum

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  • RUSAL Issued Encyclopedia Of Aluminum


    2008-03-27 13:47:00

    ArmInfo. The United Company RUSAL (UC RUSAL) issued an Encyclopedia
    "Aluminum. The thirteenth Element". As the Company's press service
    reports, this unique edition contains information about the history of
    aluminum opening, its production technology. Moreover, numerous spheres
    of practical use of the silvery metal have been represented here, from
    light to food industry, from the applied and decorative arts to the
    motor and aircraft industry, cosmonautics and high technologies. The
    encyclopedia, issued in Russian and English, contains many rare facts
    and rich illustrative material. The book is oriented at a wide circle
    of readers. "We consider it important to present, in the interesting
    and informative way, the valuable properties of aluminum, which is of
    importance in our life", Director on Public Relations of UC RUSAL Vera
    Kurochkina said, when commenting on the encyclopedia issue. "Aluminum
    has a very rich history and wide spheres of application, which will
    much extend in the near perspective due to the use of competitive
    advantages of this metal of future", she said.

    The Encyclopedia of Aluminum has been issued within the frames of
    the editorial project "Library of RUSAL". The Company will direct
    all the funds from the sale of this book for benevolence. Part of
    the circulation of this unique book is intended as a gift to the
    libraries, scientific establishments of Moscow, Saint Petersburg and
    the regions where the Company is present. This mission in Yerevan
    have been charged with the foil-rolling plant ARMENAL being part of
    RUSAL. The Encyclopedia "Aluminum. The thirteenth Element" has been
    presented to the biggest libraries, a number of specialized HEEs and
    scientific institutions of Armenia.