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Our Debt To Tibet

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  • Our Debt To Tibet


    Forward 27/
    March 27 2008

    China's violent repression of Tibetan freedom protesters over the past
    few weeks is turning into a test of the world community's ability
    to act with even a modicum of conscience in the face of outrageous
    injustice. So far, the results are dismal.

    The crisis began with a protest march by Buddhist monks March 10,
    the 49th anniversary of a failed, blood-soaked Tibetan uprising. The
    march, by most accounts peaceful at first, was met by Chinese troops
    with brute force, touching off weeks of rioting. China reports 22
    Tibetan dead so far; Tibetan groups say the number is more than 140.

    As the repression mounts, China has cut off phone lines and Internet
    access and banned Westerners from the region.

    Responses from other nations could generously be described as tepid.

    The issue was raised before the United Nations Human Rights Council
    in Geneva by a group of human rights organizations, including Amnesty
    International, but the U.N. agency declined to act. Russia's ambassador
    said the crisis was "clearly not an issue" for the world body.

    Individual voices have been raised; major newspapers have written
    angry editorials, and Elie Wiesel gathered a group of 25 fellow Nobel
    laureates - most of them scientists, not activists or artists - to
    sign a letter of protest. Steven Spielberg resigned as an artistic
    adviser to this summer's Beijing Olympics.

    Among major governments, however, only France has offered a significant
    gesture, threatening to boycott the opening ceremony of the Beijing
    Olympics this summer. In Washington, Secretary of State Condoleezza
    Rice phoned her Chinese counterpart to urge "restraint," but the
    White House said President Bush did not intend to boycott the Beijing
    games. Neither does Germany's leader.

    It's not as if the moral equation is a complicated one. Unlike many
    of the world's national-ethnic disputes, Tibet is a simple case of
    black and white, with barely a hint of gray. The Himalayan nation has
    been under Chinese military occupation since 1951, forcefully annexed
    by the occupier, its national language and culture suppressed, its
    religion stifled, its population swamped by millions of ethnic Han
    settlers relocated there at government behest. Attempts at protest
    or ethnic revival over the years have been met with deadly force.

    Tibet's spiritual and national leader, the Dalai Lama, driven into
    exile during the 1959 uprising, has emerged over the years as a global
    symbol of peace. His advocacy of nonviolence won him the Nobel Peace
    Prize in 1989, and his public appearances around the world attract
    millions of admirers. China, on the other hand, demonizes him as
    a criminal and a "devil." Government spokesmen blame the current
    violence on "running dogs of the Dalai clique" - a double injustice,
    since the Dalai Lama has been deploring Tibetan violence.

    It may be, in fact, that the uprising represents a new Tibetan
    generation's frustration with the Dalai Lama after his years of
    fruitless efforts to win their rights nonviolently. If Tibetans
    continue down the dangerous path of rebellion, much will be lost.

    Tibet will lose its hope of freedom. The Dalai Lama's star will dim,
    and the world could lose one of its most powerful voices of hope.

    Yet the world community seems intent on turning a blind eye.

    Indignation over military occupation seems to operate only when the
    accused is too weak to defend itself. The nations, for all their
    lecturing of Israel over its 40-year occupation of the Palestinian
    territories, fall silent in the face of China's 60-year occupation of
    Tibet. They are still as China works to obliterate Tibetan culture
    and identity. Governments delight in receiving the Dalai Lama with
    pomp and ceremony - Bush gave him a Congressional Gold Medal just
    last year - but none take up his cause.

    A special word must be said about the actions of Israel and the
    worldwide Jewish community this month, because a special debt is
    owed and is unpaid. The Dalai Lama has long shown a special interest
    in the Jewish community because of a shared history of exile and
    persecution. In 1990, as Roger Kamenetz wrote here last week,
    the Dalai Lama invited a delegation of Jewish scholars to spend a
    week with him at his headquarters in India to discuss the Jewish
    experience of surviving as a nation in exile. His other interest,
    less often discussed, was to learn why so many young Jews abandon
    their roots and come to him for spiritual nourishment.

    The Dalai Lama has visited Israel twice in recent years, in 1999 and
    2006. He's been honored by the Knesset and celebrated by the public,
    yet the Israeli government's leaders, unlike those of other nations,
    have not received him. China is one of Israel's important trading
    partners and arms customers, and Israel doesn't feel secure enough
    to risk upsetting its friends over matters of principle.

    Not that the Chinese appreciated Israel's solicitude. Nothing
    happens in China without the government's say-so, and the Chinese
    don't quite believe that other countries are different. When the
    Dalai Lama visited in February 2006, the Chinese consul lodged a
    formal protest with Israel's Foreign Ministry. "If China would let
    the head of Hamas visit, Israel would be angry," the consul wrote,
    according to press reports at the time.

    Four months later, China did indeed give the Hamas foreign minister
    a festive reception in Beijing, including a meeting with China's own
    foreign minister. It was a diplomatic trifecta: a coup for Hamas,
    a slap at Israel and another example of official Chinese hypocrisy.

    If Israel is reluctant to speak in the face of China's latest
    crackdown, then, its fears may be understandable. The same can't
    be said of the Jewish communities of the Diaspora. American Jewish
    organizations wield considerable clout in Washington and elsewhere.

    They have a reputation for stepping forward on matters of conscience;
    it's part of the reason they are listened to. But, as we've noted
    before, it is a muscle they haven't much used in some time, out of
    fear for Israel's safety.

    They've held back on the issue of the Armenian genocide, fearing
    to damage Israeli relations with Turkey. They have feared to cross
    the Bush administration on any number of issues, to the annoyance
    of longtime allies in the civil liberties, civil rights, immigrant
    rights and other advocacy communities. This reticence is a bad habit,
    and needs breaking. Diaspora Jewry should be sensitive to Israel's
    insecurities, but it need not be paralyzed.

    China's repression will continue until international pressure forces it
    to back off. Some international leaders argue that the West should wait
    for Chinese market forces to generate a new openness over the coming
    generations. But Tibet doesn't have time. Its culture and national
    identity are being steamrolled. Now, with the fires burning and the
    Olympics approaching, there is an opportunity that must be seized.

    The world's leaders should make it clear to Beijing that they will
    not attend the Olympic opening ceremony unless the Chinese leadership
    agrees to sit down with the Dalai Lama and start discussing Tibetan
    rights. Bush and German Chancellor Andrea Merkel need to take the
    lead; France's president must not be left standing alone. But they
    won't act unless the public demands it.