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First Event Dedicated To 75th Anniversary Of Engineering University

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  • First Event Dedicated To 75th Anniversary Of Engineering University


    Noyan Tapan
    May 1, 2008

    YEREVAN, MAY 1, NOYAN TAPAN. Education-science-production cooperation
    between State Engineering University of Armenia (SEUA - "Polytechnic")
    and Synopsys company will be contagious for many, while the RA National
    Assembly is ready to encourage and assist with Synopsys' initiatives,
    the speaker of the NA Tigran Torosian during the April 29 festive
    event dedicated to 75th anniversary of SEUA. The event was organized
    by Synopsys Armenia CJSC - Armenian subsidiary of Synopsys company,
    world leader in electronic automated design.

    In the words of Rich Goldman, Vice President for Strategic Market
    Development of Synopsys and CEO of Synopsys Armenia, SEUA is a
    very important university for Armenia and one of the most famous
    universities which prepared a great number of qualified engineers
    and political figures.

    "We are proud of having such good relations with SEUA. It is obvious
    that this university will make a great contribution to the the
    country's building," he said.

    General manager of Synopsys Armenia Hovik Musaelian in his turn
    stated that over the 75 years of its existence, SEUA has implemented
    its major mission by ensuring an efficient "university-production"
    cooperation. According to him, although Synopsys cooperates with nearly
    500 universities worldwide, the company management has repeatedly
    noted that the cooperation with SEUA in Armenia is unique by its
    nature and significance. The fact that an interdepartmental chair
    "Microelectronic Systems and Chips" functions at SEUA shows that
    the company has established quite serious cooperation with the
    university. About 300 students study at the chair. Nearly 30% of
    Synopsys Armenia's employees are SEUA graduates.

    The RA minister of economy Nerses Yeritsian also attached
    importance, from the viewpoint of economic development, to the
    successful experience of cooperation of Synopsys and SEUA by
    education-science-business link. In his words, it is based on this
    link that a knowledge-based economy should be built in Armenia. The
    state will increase financing of sceintific developments and research,
    and the financing experience of Synopsys will be used for calculation
    of allocations for this purpose.

    Rector of SEUA Vostanik Marukhian said that the event organized by
    Synopsys Armenia launches a series of events dedicated to the 75th
    anniversary of "Polytechnic", and the fact of holding this event at
    Synopsys Armenia shows that the cooperation of SEUA and Synopsys, which
    began four and a half years ago, is bearing fruit. In this respect he
    considered it imporatnt that some graduates of SEUA interdepartmental
    chair "Microelectronic Systems and Chips" now teach at the university,
    which contributes to rejuvination of the teaching staff.