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Armenia's 'Christian Holocaust '

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  • Armenia's 'Christian Holocaust '

    AZG Armenian Daily #084, 03/05/2008



    In late August 1939, the day before his invasion of
    Poland, Adolf Hitler gathered his commanders at his
    home and informed them he had placed "death's head"
    military formations in the east with orders "to send
    to death mercilessly and without compassion men, women
    and children of Polish derivation and language."

    He assured his commanders the world would not long
    condemn them, justifying his brutality by asking
    rhetorically, "Who, after all, speaks today of the
    annihilation of the Armenians?" Hitler was referring
    to the massacre of 1.5 million Armenians by Ottoman
    Turkish forces beginning in April 1915. Until today,
    the Turkish government denies the authenticity of both
    Hitler's statement and the genocide itself.

    Tel Aviv University professor Israel Charny, chief
    editor of the Encyclopedia of Genocide, insists the
    statement was recorded by "an indisputably serious"
    Associated Press correspondent, and that other remarks
    were made by Hitler that "confirm that the Armenian
    genocide was an active guiding concept in the
    monster's mind."Kevork Kahvedjian, son of Jerusalem
    photographer and Armenian genocide survivor Elia
    Kahvedjian, explains his father was personal testimony
    to the genocide and its savagery. "When it started, he
    was only five years old, but he remembered it very
    clearly. Especially the last year of his life he
    remembered it..." Kevork continually slipped into the
    first person while recounting his father's story, as
    if it had happened to him: "I used to see lots of dead
    people, piles of them. Some had been burned. Until
    today I remember the smell of burned flesh," he
    narrated, detailing the death march through the

    He remembered the sound of the German cannons pounding
    the city, then a lull of about a month before the
    Turkish soldiers entered his home and took Elia, his
    mother, a sister and two brothers - one brother was
    just a few months old. Two older brothers had already
    been hanged.

    "Soldiers came and started pushing my mother. She
    tried to go back to the house but the soldiers hit her
    with rifle butts and she had to take the children and
    start walking." The Armenians were allowed only what
    they could carry. They walked for weeks through the
    desert of Deir Zor with soldiers on both sides. The
    soldiers offered neither food nor water, but the
    prisoners ate some plants and drank brackish water on
    the way.

    After weeks of carrying her six-month-old baby, Elia's
    mother, exhausted, set the infant in the shade of a
    tree and abandoned him, hoping some kind person would
    find him. The older sister, about 12 years old during
    the march, was abducted. Elia found her 18 years later
    and discovered she had been forced to serve in a

    In a wadi, near the end of the trek, "I heard my
    mother say, 'Today, I think they're going to kill
    us.'" It happened that that a Kurd was passing by. She
    called the Kurd and told him, "Take this boy and go."
    The Kurd took Elia and the boy remembered, "At the top
    of the hill we turned around and saw the soldiers
    killing everyone." The Kurd took Elia, burned his
    clothes, gave him medicine for dysentery, and sold him
    to a blacksmith, who eventually sent him away. Elia
    sought refuge in a Syrian convent. In 1918, when the
    war was over, the American Near East Relief Foundation
    began to gather Armenian orphans and distribute them
    in its orphanages throughout the Middle East.

    Elia was transferred to Lebanon, then to Nazareth in
    1920. There, one of the teachers was a photographer
    and Elia worked for him. Elia learned the photography
    trade and became a prominent photographer. Many
    beloved pictures of early 20th-century Jerusalem were
    taken by Elia; the album, Through My Father's Eyes,
    celebrates his work. Turkish authorities strive to
    discredit accounts such as Elia's, although his
    testimony is confirmed by an abundance of contemporary
    journalism, eyewitness accounts by statesmen such as
    American ambassador to the Ottoman Empire Henry
    Morgenthau, as well as German and Austrian

    Charny claims there was "most certainly" a religious
    element in the persecution of the Armenians, the first
    empire to embrace the faith. (Armenia officially
    adopted Christianity as the state religion in 301 CE,
    about 25 years before the Roman Empire did so.) "There
    are even some who want to refer to this period overall
    as 'The Christian Genocide,' because the victims of
    the Turks' genocide were not only Armenians but also
    Assyrians and Greeks," he explains. Still, he is
    reticent to use that term as it "could seem to remove
    from the Armenian community their hard-won gains for
    recognition of the genocide of their people."

    According to Charney, "What stands out about the
    denials of the Armenian genocide is that for many
    years, the full power of the Turkish government has
    been devoted to denials of the genocide. Turkey
    literally spends millions on advertising agencies and
    on publicity efforts. It also throws the considerable
    weight of its government behind coercing denials from
    other countries, with threats to the United States of
    not allowing American military planes to use Turkish
    air space or threatening to pull out of joint NATO
    military exercises, as well as with threats of major
    economic retaliation should or when a country, such as
    France, confirms recognition of the Armenian genocide.

    "Israel is regularly the object of threats by the
    Turks and, regrettably to say the least, for many
    years has kowtowed to these threats. But then too so
    has the stronger United States".MK Haim Oron (Meretz)
    proposed in March that the Knesset appoint a committee
    to consider recognizing the Armenian genocide, adding,
    "It is unacceptable that the Jewish people is not
    making itself heard." Although the measure passed, MK
    Shalom Simhon (Likud) responded, "this has become a
    politically charged issue between Armenians and Turks,
    and Israel is not interested in taking sides."

    Many Israelis are eager for their country to recognize
    the genocide. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem will
    hold an event titled "A Symposium in Commemoration of
    the Armenian Genocide" at its Givat Ram campus on
    April 29 at 6:30 p.m. Both Kevork Kahvedjian and
    Charney will speak.

    Israel will eventually recognize the genocide, insists
    Kevork, who manages his father's business, Elia Photo
    Service, in Jerusalem's Old City. Kevork, named for
    the baby left under a tree in the desert, believes,
    "One day they are going to say, 'Yes, it happened.' If
    not now, then in 50 years!"

    Otherwise, Armenians worry, states that refuse to
    recognize the genocide risk rendering Hitler's
    rhetorical question a reality.