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Armenia and terrorism according to US Department of State

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  • Armenia and terrorism according to US Department of State

    AZG Armenian Daily #084, 03/05/2008

    National Interest


    On May 1 the US Department of State published its annual report on
    terrorism. In these reports, published regularly since 2004, are being
    figured out the statistics for anti-terror actions in the world and US
    cooperation with other states. Naturally, we are first of all
    interested in the statistics about struggle against terrorism in
    Armenia and its neighbors, Azerbaijan and Georgia.

    Comparing the conclusions about Armenia and Azerbaijan, at once we
    noticed that a great number of people were arrested in Azerbaijan
    under suspicion of being involved in terrorist organizations. The
    report says that 15 civilians, calling themselves "North Army of
    Mahdee" were detained and accused for being in contact with the
    Iranian Revolution Guardians' Corpse. Another terrorist group, lead
    by some Arab, Abu Jafar, was caught in Sumgayit. 11 people were
    arrested in September. It is said they were preparing a terrorist
    attack against the US Embassy in Baku.

    However, the report on Azerbaijan, so rich with arrests and terrorist
    organizations, lacks the most important part - the conclusion. It is
    uncertain, whether the United States are concerned with the large
    number of terrorists in Azerbaijan, or not.

    On the contrary, the report on Armenia, where not a single incident
    however linked with terrorism was recorded, is full of conclusions of
    the American "experts". It turns out that the USA is troubled with the
    intensive Armenian-Iranian relations. The "experts" elaborated in
    details, how last year the President and the Defense Minister of Iran
    visited Armenia and how close the diplomatic relations between Yerevan
    and Teheran are. By the way, the President and the Defense Minister of
    Iran also visited Azerbaijan in 2007, but nothing is said about that
    in the report.

    At the same time Department of State report says that although Armenia
    cooperates with the USA the in struggle against terrorism, the
    corruption in the Government, shadow economy and high level of
    criminal may permit illegal transfer of arms, terrorists and money
    through the territory of Armenia.

    Our conclusion is simple and obvious: the Department of State had
    nothing to write about Armenia and all the absurd was written in order
    to write just something. The report on Armenia has no legal or
    juristic grounding and is only aimed at stating that there are
    "certain criminal elements" in Armenia, which may possibly cooperate
    with terrorist financial structures. This sounds absurd, when at the
    very same time there are dozens of such criminals in Azerbaijan, which
    are already cooperating both with financial and militant terrorist
    structures. The report clearly shows that the United States, having
    nothing to say against Armenia, but minding to equalize Armenia and
    Azerbaijan, invented inconsistent and fake "accusations" (if this word
    is suitable here).

    By A. Manvelian, translated by A.M.