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Roundup: Remembrance and denial move to U.S. Congress

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  • Roundup: Remembrance and denial move to U.S. Congress

    In-Forum, ND
    May 3 2008

    Roundup: Remembrance and denial move to U.S. Congress

    Published Saturday, May 03, 2008
    Los Angeles Times

    History can comfort or afflict us, and affliction was the order of the
    day Thursday as Armenians around the world commemorating the genocide
    of their people by the Ottoman Empire from 1915 to 1917 were met by
    Turks protesting that the genocide never took place.

    The argument over remembrance and denial of the Armenian genocide has
    in recent years moved from France to the U.S. Congress and now to
    Israel, which faces its own moral and political dilemmas in deciding
    whether to debate the issue in the Knesset. Turkey is strongly
    lobbying to prevent such a debate. Like the United States, Israel is
    now torn between its commitment to confront genocide deniers of all
    kinds and its geopolitical interest in maintaining relations with its
    only Muslim ally.

    It's a lose-lose proposition for any nation involved in the dispute,
    and for the millions of Turks and Armenians alive today who will have
    to continue to live next to each other. It's a winner, however, for
    Russia, which has been competing with the United States for influence
    in Armenia and which has leverage over the former Soviet republic's

    A friendly, democratic government in Ankara could help Turkey rebuild
    its frayed ties with the West, improve its economy and, eventually,
    negotiate peace with Azerbaijan over the disputed enclave of
    Nagorno-Karabakh. Demonstrating the political maturity to pursue
    rapprochement with Armenia could bring Turkey closer to its goal of
    joining the European Union. History need not be destiny.