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Outside View: Nuke power future -- Part 2

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  • Outside View: Nuke power future -- Part 2

    United Press International
    May 1 2008

    Outside View: Nuke power future -- Part 2

    Published: May 1, 2008 at 1:09 PM
    UPI Outside View Commentator

    MOSCOW, May 1 (UPI) -- Uranium prices are increasing throughout the
    world; over the past three years, they have doubled, and not
    surprisingly. One cubic centimeter of uranium is equivalent to 60,000
    liters of gasoline, 110 to 160 metric tons of coal, or 60,000 cubic
    meters of natural gas.

    Being highly concentrated, this fuel can be easily and cheaply
    transported any distance. Its price factored in as part of generated
    power is comparatively small. So even a massive rise in uranium fuel
    prices has little effect on nuclear power costs. Since 1997 they have
    gone up by just 7 percent.

    With current uranium production at 3,400 metric tons a year, its
    reserves will last for half a century. How will Russia's nuclear
    industry fare once the explored reserves run out? There are two
    options. The first is to look for an alternative way of supplying fuel
    for the nuclear industry. One is to use so-called "fast reactors" --
    fast-breeder nuclear reactors.

    Their advantages are moderate power intensity and low fuel
    consumption. Fast reactors can use uranium from poor fields, with a
    low degree of enrichment.

    Another way is to recycle spent fuel, namely to obtain plutonium fuel
    separated from the uranium extracted from nuclear reactors.

    Russia has cornered a sizeable part of the world's future uranium
    market, and its share could grow as new fields are tapped in Eastern

    It can also receive supplies from other countries -- ones that have no
    nuclear industry of their own or lack enriching technologies.

    Russia already owns 49 percent of the Russian-Kazakh Zarechnoye
    company, which is developing a field of 19,000 metric tons of uranium.

    In 2007, Australia became one of Russia's uranium partners. It boasts
    the world's largest uranium deposits. The leaders of the two
    countries, Vladimir Putin and John Howard, signed an agreement in
    Sydney, under which Russia will receive $1 billion worth of raw
    Australian uranium per year for its nuclear needs. The document will
    come into effect once the two parliaments ratify it.

    Mongolia is also going to play an important role. Theoretically, its
    natural uranium resources put the country at the cutting edge of the
    world market, and just need to be explored.

    Russia's potential uranium reserves (natural and weapons-grade) will
    enable it to claim 45 percent of the world's uranium enrichment
    services market by 2030 and 20 percent to 25 percent of the nuclear
    plant construction market.

    Given closed nuclear cycle technologies -- fast-breeder reactors --
    these resources will be able to meet global power needs for 1,000

    (Sergei Golubchikov is an associate professor at Russian State Social
    University. This article is reprinted by permission of the RIA Novosti
    news agency. The opinions expressed in this article are the author's
    and do not necessarily reflect the views of the RIA Novosti news

    (United Press International's "Outside View" commentaries are written
    by outside contributors who specialize in a variety of important
    issues. The views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of United
    Press International. In the interests of creating an open forum,
    original submissions are invited.)

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress