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Ter-Petrosian Expresses His Disappointement with European Structures

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  • Ter-Petrosian Expresses His Disappointement with European Structures


    YEREVAN, MAY 3, NOYAN TAPAN. The European structures did not manifest
    fidelity to principle, which they were expected to do, and failed to
    control the actions of Armenia's authorities and defend the security of
    the Armenian people - by the way, not only Armenia has obligations to
    the Council of Europe but the Council of Europe has some obligations to
    the Armenian people. The first Armenian president, leader of the
    opposition Levon Ter-Petrosian stated this at the second congress of
    the National Movement on May 2.

    In his words, the indifference of Europeans was the greatest surprise.
    "They - except for Scandinavian and Eastern European countries where
    idealism still exists - are guided by consumer values, cynicism, and in
    response to the question about what they would do if such elections
    were held in their country, they take offence and say that this is
    racism," L. Ter-Petrosian said.

    Ter-Petrosian said that the strict but actually empty statements of
    European structures are worth little. He reminded the sentence included
    in the first PACE report, according to which the election in Armenia
    was mostly in line with Armenia's commitments to the OSCE and the
    Council of Europe. He underlined that this sentence is repeated in all
    documents, and in fact by this sentence the European structures
    legitimized the shameful February 19 election and inspired the Armenian
    authorities to further violence. "But for this sentence, the bloody
    March 1 events would not have taken place," Ter-Petrosian said.

    According to him, the European structures tolerated the shameful
    election in Armenia and accepted the March 1 events not as an organized
    slaughter of the people but as clashes between police and people. He
    pointed out that if European structures allow the Armenian authorities
    to conduct an investigation into March 1 event and if this
    investigation is not independent and transparent, then the Armenian
    people will declare these structures persona non grata. In his words,
    partial restoration of the European structures' authority depends on
    how consistent they will be in the issue of implementation of the PACE
    resolution by Armenia. He expressed regret that the West (he stressed
    that he means Europe) uses double standards, and it either aims to
    ensure stability or prefers weak Armenian authorities - for solution of
    the Karabakh problem.

    "We must solve out problems themselves and not pin hopes on them,"
    Levon Ter-Petrosian stated.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress