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CBC Ombudsman Rejects Turkish Govm't Denial of the Armenian Genocide

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  • CBC Ombudsman Rejects Turkish Govm't Denial of the Armenian Genocide

    Armenian National Committee of Canada
    Comité National Arménien du Canada
    130 Albert St., Suite/Bureau 1007
    Ottawa, ON
    KIP 5G4
    Tel./Tél. (613) 235-2622 Fax/Téléc. (613) 238-2622


    May 3, 2008
    Contact: Roupen Kouyoumjian

    CBC Ombudsman Rejects Turkish Government's Denial of the Armenian Genocide

    Ottawa - A well-financed campaign to censor CBC Radio's `As It
    Happens' program, orchestrated by the Turkish government and its
    agents, has been rejected by Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC)
    Ombudsman Vince Carlin.

    After a professional examination of the Turkish denialists complaint
    that CBC `did not give sufficient attention to Turkey's official claim
    that the events of 1915 did not constitute a genocide,' Mr. Carlin
    said, `While not ignoring significant dissent from 'mainstream' views,
    the journalist must not distort the concepts of 'balance' by giving
    equal weight to any contending theory.'

    The ombudsman added, `In the cases at issue, the preponderance of
    credible academic work has found that the Turkish government took
    deliberate action against the Armenian population and those actions
    fit what became the definition of Genocide.'

    The ombudsman elaborated on the journalist's ethical conundrum of
    `giving voice to those who deny events which were part of the
    historical consensus.' On this thorny issue, Mr. Carlin said, `the
    implications of such notion are evident when one thinks of giving
    substantial time to those who deny that there was a genocide directed
    against Jews during World War II.'

    In the ombudsman's view, ` while fairness and balance would impel
    journalists to be on the look-out for credible contradictory evidence,
    appropriate weight must be given to broad-based conclusion, in this
    case not only academic-based, but also endorsed by UN agencies and the
    Canadian Government.'

    The CBC ombudsman concluded his findings by noting that `the concept
    of balance is not mathematical.' Accordingly, he found that `no
    violation of CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices in treatment
    of theses items.'

    The latest campaign of silencing freedom of speech in Canada was
    launched after CBC's `As It Happens' program interviewed United States
    Congressman Adam Schiff (Oct. 18, 2007), Turkish historian Taner
    Akçam (Oct. 12, 2007), and an official from the Toronto District
    School Board on the proposed Grade 11 Genocide Curriculum (Dec. 14

    The Armenian National Committee of Canada (ANCC) cognizant of the
    campaign, responded to the Turkish government's misinformation by
    making essential presentation (testimonies of historians' and
    scholars, books, and other relevant documents) to the ombudsman to
    refute the Turkish denialist fabrications.

    Aris Babikian, Executive Director of ANCC, commended the CBC
    ombudsman's findings and conclusions. 'Once again CBC has demonstrated
    that it is not willing to compromise its journalistic integrity. We
    congratulate the CBC ombudsman and `As It Happens' staff for not
    capitulating to the Turkish government's propaganda machine, threats,
    intimidation, and bullying.'

    `It is high time the Turkish government recognized that its Armenian
    Genocide denial policy is a bankrupt one and that Turkey can not
    muzzle freedom of the press and suppress freedom of expression in the
    civilized world, as it has done in Turkey,' Babikian said, urging the
    Turkish people to rise against the `Turkish Deep State' and
    utranationalists who are running the country's denialist policy.

    Dr. Girair Basmadjian, President of ANCC observed that `By its
    persistent policy of denial, the present Turkish Government is making
    itself automatically the inherent target of responsibility for the
    1915 Genocide.'


    The ANCC is the largest and the most influential Canadian-Armenian
    grassroots political organization. Working in coordination with a
    network of offices, chapters, and supporters throughout Canada and
    affiliated organizations around the world, the ANCC actively advances
    the concerns of the Canadian-Armenian community on a broad range of


    Le CNAC est l'organisation politique canadienne-arménienne la plus
    large et influentielle. Collaborant avec une série de bureaux,
    chapitres et souteneurs à travers le Canada et des organisations
    affiliées à travers le monde, le CNAC s'occupe activement des
    inquiétudes de la communauté canadienne-arménienne.

    Regional Chapters/Sections régionales

    Montréal - Laval - Ottawa - Toronto - Hamilton - Cambridge - St. Catharines - Windsor - Vancouver