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Good News For Those Who Are Interested In Spiritual Information

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  • Good News For Those Who Are Interested In Spiritual Information

    14:39 05/05/2008

    Have you questions to the priest? Write to the e-mail address
    [email protected] and the clergy will willingly answer all
    questions interesting you. It is according to this principle that
    the website continues to function already for 5 years.

    "AZD Production" has elaborated and shaped the websites and of Araratian Patriarchal
    Diocese according to new design having both ecclesiastical and
    meanwhile modern solutions. The website functions with the blessing
    of the Diocesan Primate His Eminence Archbishop Navasard Ktchoyan
    already for 10 years. And the website functions only
    for 5 years and however, during that period it has been useful to
    Armenians and foreigners living in more than 32 countries throughout
    the world. Author of the program is Eliza Manukian, Responsible for
    the Press Department of Araratian Patriarchal Diocese. Sponsors of
    the program are Mr. and Mrs. Vahe and Irina Haroutunian.

    Presently the websites and of
    Araratian Patriarchal Diocese suggest the visitors a number of very
    important and useful innovations.

    - Church Calendar It is known that according to the Armenian Apostolic
    Church Calendar the dates of many church feasts are not fixed and are
    changeable, that is - each year they are celebrated or commemorated
    on various days. From now on visiting the websites visitors may know
    the date of any feast up to the year of 2030. The websites contain
    the church feast dates and their descriptions in Armenian, Russian
    and English Languages.

    - Bible in One Year For being acquainted with the Holy Bible and
    studying it we suggest you reading it divided into equal parts.

    That is, we suggest you a special program of studying the Holy Bible
    thanks to which it is possible to read every day the daily passage
    and in the end of the year to finish the reading and the study of
    the Holy Bible.

    In case of questions arising during the study of the Holy Bible please
    don't hesitate to turn to the e-mail address [email protected].

    - Hymns and songs sung during the Divine Liturgy The hymns and songs
    sung during the Divine Liturgy are presented in the websites. The
    hymns and songs are sung by the Choir "Hover"

    - Audio reports of spiritual nature in MP3 format This innovation
    provides the chance of listening to the reports of spiritual nature
    installed in the website.

    - Photo reports

    Diocesan news, the activity of the Youth Association are elucidated
    not only by means of articles, but also photo reports and series.

    - Questions In this section any person may participate in voting
    concerning any topic of spiritual nature. Voting results are summarized
    by the clergy, psychologists, as well as specialists of other fields
    who provide analyses on the topics under discussion.

    - Articles In this section interesting articles and analyses on
    spiritual topics are presented.

    - Links to other useful spiritual sites Possibility to become
    acquainted with other useful spiritual websites.

    - Search system Possibility to find in the website any topic
    interesting the visitors.

    It is proper to remind that in 2006 the websites
    and of Araratian Patriarchal Diocese won the grand prizes
    in the All-Armenian e-Content Award Competition in the nominations
    of El-inclusion and El-design. The competition was organized under
    the auspices the Government of the Republic of Armenia.

    Besides the above mentioned innovations the clergy continue to
    answer the questions interesting the visitors by means of the website

    Answers and questions to them, interviews on various topics with the
    clergymen and public, political figures, intellectuals, scientists and
    artists are installed in the website The sections of
    announcements, diocesan news and spiritual literature are periodically