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BAKU: Akhundov: "New scandal about to happen in Yerevan. NK Clan..."

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  • BAKU: Akhundov: "New scandal about to happen in Yerevan. NK Clan..."

    Today.Az, Azerbaijan
    May 6 2008

    Fuad Akhundov: "New scandal is about to happen in Yerevan and Karabakh
    clan will have to explain its behavior to people"

    06 May 2008 [19:06] - Today.Az

    It seems that a new scandal is about to happen in Yerevan and the
    Karabakh clan will again try to distract the attention of world and
    Armenian society from problems it has created.

    The due announcement was made by Fuad Akhundov, chief of sector of
    analytical researches of Azerbaijan's Presidential administration,
    commenting on information of Armenian mass medias about Azerbaijan's
    alleged recruitment of militants and transit of arms from Afghanistan
    to Georgia.

    "First of all, I would advise everyone who finds this material on the
    PanARMENIAN website, to follow the link of the news on the website of
    "Realny Azerbaijan", which has appeared from nowhere, and then read
    the forum. Most participants of it said: cheap newspaper hoax, which
    has nothing to do with facts and reality.

    This is not a mere lie, this lie is primitive and unprofessional. But
    unfortunately, deep school of falsification was created in Armenia:
    thus, materials of houses set ablaze in Azerbaijani Shusha were set
    for "videomaterials from Stepanakrt", last week an article on
    "genocide of Armenians: appeared in the New York newspaper, issued in
    Russian in the United States and illustrated with photos of children,
    killed by Armenian aggressors in Khojaly.

    Thus, in 1992, news conductors of Russian first TV channel Tatiana
    Mitkova declared that the channel stopped cooperation with the
    Pro-Armenian agency for a cynical disinformation about the Khojaly
    tragedy, while in the mid 1980s Russian pope in Düsseldorf noted that
    Armenians use Vereshagin's picture "War apotheosis" to propagandize
    invented "genocide of Armenians".

    It seems that Armenians are sure that the world community will believe
    in any lie. Thus, I would recommend to perceive everything said about
    Azerbaijan in such cases as a lie. And it would be much better to
    replace the word Azerbaijan with Armenia", said Akhundov.

    He said that he will be surprised if it is revealed that on the
    background of the current growth of tensions in Abkhazia, someone
    would try to restore the famous Armenian battalion named after
    Bagramyan, well known for its cruelty against peaceful Georgian
    residents, as the number of Armenians is higher in today's Abkhazia
    that Abkhazians themselves.

    "If seriously, I would like to remind the following. After coming to
    presidency under ultranationalistic slogans, working president of
    Armenia Serzh Sarkissyan has repeatedly tried to distract the
    attention of Armenian people from their own problems and own poor
    state by making loud accusations addressed to Azerbaijan.

    Thus occurred the events of March 1-2, when on the background of
    brutal suppression of people's protests in Yerevan. Armenian armed
    forces provoked an incident on the contact front line and then when
    they failed to break the opposite defense, tried to accuse Azerbaijan
    of everything.

    But in this case the state of the Karabakh clan has worsened: members
    of Armenian diversion group, which are giving testimonies, have been
    captured in Azerbaijan and Armenia can not conceal anxiety of someone
    in Yerevan. It is not difficult to guess that Armenia is preparing for
    a scandal and fabricates accusations addressed to neighbors in a form
    of recruiting militants and the whole Kabul and others.

    In addition, the US Department of State has recently released its
    annual report on international terrorism, highly evaluating the
    activity of the Azerbaijani government and in the paragraph, devoted
    to Armenia, pointing that "transparent" borders, state corruption and
    organized crime, makes this country vulnerable for money laundering by
    terrorists, not speaking of the US anxiety about the relations between
    Armenia and Iran, which was also reflected in the report. In other
    words, Yerevan got nervous and attempted to fabricate accusations
    addressed to Azerbaijan adhering to the principle "perhaps, someone
    would believe it", said the chief of sector of the presidential

    At the same time, Akhundov is confident that this can hardly be
    considered reliable, as the connection of working political
    establishment of Armenia with international terror, participation of
    the Armenian special services in terror acts against Azerbaijan is not
    a secret to anyone.

    "Therefore, the first portion of criticism in the report was perceived
    by Armenia as a sign of alarm: someone can really get interested by
    the facts that Taliban activists moved throughout the world with
    Armenian passports, as it was reported by the former leaders of
    Armenian special services", said Akhundov.

    But he considers another matter to be more important.

    "First of all, it is necessary to familiarize with publications of
    Armenian mass medias to understand that recently Azerbaijan's efforts
    to inform the world community about real situation in Nagorno Karabakh
    and around it makes Armenia, if exactly its political establishment,
    even more nervous. Yerevan is also nervous about the activity of the
    state structures and activity of the organizations of Azerbaijani
    diaspora which question the lobby casts some doubts on the lobby and
    information monopoly of Armenia.

    But I would risk to propose something else. As is was reported by
    Day.Az, in the magazine "Russia in global policy" I have published a
    response to speaker of Armenian parliament Tigran Torosyan regarding
    his article, where he tried to place in question the basic principle
    of international law-respect to the territorial integrity of states
    and prove that the rights of nations for self-determination may become
    the legal basis for separatism.

    Today, when it became obvious that former electronic engineer Torosyan
    failed to make a revolution in the international law, Armenia was
    offended on those who reminded them of it and decided to argue by a
    well-tested method, which is applied by many people: if you have no
    arguments-pass to personalities. And if you can not compromise the
    needed personality-invent arguments, for example, write that
    Mr.Akhundov eats teenagers for breakfast. Or recruits militants.

    In other words, Armenians intended to reach several goals by one
    unlucky newspaper hoax: and attain success in information war, obvious
    to themselves and defile those whom they do not line and balance
    accusations of connection with terrorists. However, it turned out to
    be too unconvincing, unprofessional and fullish", Akhundov concluded.

