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Second Forum on Armenian Tourism Competitiveness Held

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  • Second Forum on Armenian Tourism Competitiveness Held


    YEREVAN, MAY 6, NOYAN TAPAN. The second forum on competitiveness of the
    Armenian tourism "New Challenges and Markets" was held in Yerevan on
    May 6 with the participation of representatives of state and private
    sectors, international organizations, more than 120 educational
    institutions. The event was organized by the RA ministry of economy,
    the USAID-financed Competitive Armenian Private Sector (CAPS) Project,
    and the Armenian Tourism Development Agency (ATDA).

    Speeches of welcome were made by the CAPS Director Hayley Alexander and
    the the USAID's Economic Growth Office Director Rolf Anderson.

    Then the keynote speaker of the forum's first sitting, RA minister of
    economy Nerses Yeritsian gave a report "Development of State Strategy
    and Action Plan of Tourism". By the tourism development concept, which
    was approved by the RA government in February 2008, it is envisaged in
    case of a 9% growth in the number of travels to Armenia, their number
    will make 3 million in 2030 - against 381 thousand travels in 2006,
    while in case of 11% annual growth in revenues from these travels,
    their amount will make 3 billion dollars against 299 million dollars in

    The head of the ministry's tourism department Mekhak Apresian spoke
    about the current state of Armenia's tourism sector, while the ATDA
    director for marketing Syuzanna Azoyan addressed the subject "Promotion
    of Armenia in International Market in 2007-2008". In particular, in
    2007 an electronic poster on Armenia was put on EuroNews website and an
    advertisement page about Armenia was included in the CNN Traveller
    monthly. In February 2008, an article was published in addition to this
    advertisement page. Besides, in 2008 Armenia was on the list of the
    best tourism places at the famous tourism website Lonely Planet. In
    2007, the ATDA organized Armenia's participation in 9 international
    tourism exhibitions in the Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Germany, Georgia,
    Japan, France and the UK.

    Various subjects related to the current state and development prospects
    of Armenia's tourism were presented and discussed at the forum.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress