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More funds for vital investment in EU's neighbourhood

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  • More funds for vital investment in EU's neighbourhood


    [01:11 pm] 07 May, 2008

    The EU's Neighbourhood Investment Facility (NIF) was
    formally launched yesterday, the 6th of May, by Benita
    Ferrero-Waldner, European Commissioner for External
    Relations and European Neighbourhood Policy,
    representatives of EU Member States and ENP[1] partner
    countries. The NIF is a key instrument of the European
    Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) and will mobilise
    additional funding for infrastructure projects mainly
    in the energy, transport and environment sectors in
    the entire area of the European Neighbourhood Policy
    by providing grant support for lending operations of
    public European financial institutions. The Commission
    has already made available 100 out of the 700
    million it intends to allocate to the NIF for the
    period 2007-2013. On top of this, the Facility is open
    to contributions from all EU Member States so that
    resources from the Community budget and of the EU
    countries and public financial institutions will be
    pooled and better streamlined for the benefit of
    partner countries. Germany (10 million), Italy (1
    million) and Sweden (1 million) plan to allocate
    funds to the NIF in 2008; others Member States are
    expected to announce their contributions shortly.

    Benita Ferrero-Waldner said: "With this Investment
    Facility we will not only promote the construction of
    transport and energy infrastructure interconnections
    between the EU and our neighbours but we will also
    address common environmental challenges such as the
    use of renewable energy and the de-pollution of
    Mediterranean and Black Seas. Concrete projects
    financed under this facility will bring tangible
    benefits to citizens of the neighbouring countries and
    the Union alike and will bring our partners closer to
    the EU.' And she added: "The NIF is a truly European
    initiative. I welcome the first contributions from
    Germany, Italy and Sweden to the NIF and encourage
    other Member States to use this tool for channelling
    their support to key investment in our immediate

    Although the NIF will concentrate on the energy,
    transport and environment sectors, its support may
    also be provided for SME development and to social
    sector projects. It is expected that the Facility will
    generate up to 5-6 billion of lending.

    Geographically NIF operations will focus on countries
    with ENP Action Plans agreed with the EU, namely
    Armenia, Azerbaijan, Egypt, Georgia, Jordan, Lebanon,
    Moldova, Morocco, the occupied Palestinian territory,
    Tunisia and Ukraine[2]. Moreover, on a case by case
    basis, the other Neighbourhood countries may also
    profit from NIF grant support for projects of cross
    border or regional nature to which the EU and its
    neighbouring partners attach particular interest.