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Political Coalition of Armenia makes a statement.

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  • Political Coalition of Armenia makes a statement.

    Political Coalition of Armenia makes a statement.

    2008-05-05 14:25:00

    ArmInfo. Political Coalition of Armenia makes a statement.

    Thus, the statement says that confirming the commitments to the
    electors to make reforms in the country and the conformity of the
    proposals by PACE Resolution 1609 to these reforms and the goals
    pursued by the Agreement on Political Coalition, as well as confirming
    the priority of European orientation in the versatile foreign policy of
    the country and Armenia's commitments to the CE, the coalition states
    that it intends 'to carry out reforms to fulfill the campaign programs
    and the tasks envisaged by the coalition agreements, government
    activity program and PACE Resolution 1609. In particular, these are
    better involvement of the opposition into the country's political
    system, considerable promotion of public confidence in election
    processes, freedom of speech and independence of Media, and full
    adaptation of the judicial system to European standards'.

    The given reforms must promote sustainable democratic institutions and
    ensure supremacy of the law in Armenia, the statement says. 'Assertion
    of the opposition's rights in conformity with European standards must
    be followed by specification of political responsibility of all the
    political forces, freedom of press - definition of the rules of
    professional ethics and legal responsibilities, rights to assemblies
    and processions - law abidance, protection of rights and freedoms of
    other citizens and security of the country', the statement says.

    The coalition calls up all the political forces to dialogue and
    effective cooperation for the love of fully-fledged and fast resolving
    of these tasks. 'In this context we think the president's initiative
    and setting up of the working group to study suggestions mentioned in
    PACE Resolution 1609 and coordination of actions for their fulfillment
    are very important, and we are sorry for refusal of a member to PACE
    delegation, leader of the Heritage party parliamentary faction Raffi
    Hovannissian to work in this group', - the statement says. It also says
    that the political coalition is waiting from the working group for
    strict actions on fulfillment of the suggestions of the resolution, in
    particular, on independent investigation of the post-election

    The statement was signed by four political forces of the coalition:
    Republican Party of Armenia, Prosperous Armenia party, ARF
    Dashnaktiutyun and Orinats Yerkir party.