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Heritage Party Corrects Coalition Statement

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  • Heritage Party Corrects Coalition Statement

    The Heritage Party
    31 Moscovian Street
    Yerevan, Armenia
    Tel.: (+374 - 10) 53.69.13
    Fax: (+374 - 10) 53.26.97
    Email: [email protected]; [email protected]

    6 May 2008

    Heritage Party Corrects Coalition Statement

    The Heritage Party takes note of the collective statement, dated May
    4, of the four parties which together constitute the ruling coalition
    in the Republic. Because of its partisan and misleading nature,
    however, one point requires immediate rectification.

    Had the intent of the coalition parties been to present the full truth
    to the public and to create the necessary environment for true
    political dialogue, they would not have blessed the names of Raffi
    Hovannisian and the Heritage Party with inclusion in their

    Heritage is, of course, touched at the thought of being remembered,
    even if in passing, by the parties of power, but it is neither
    sufficient nor serious for them and their authorized representatives
    to speak declaratively about the imperative for honest discourse but
    then to proceed to undertake measures and unleash polemical
    interpretations which both belie the shallowness of their commitment
    and serve to deliver a reality that bears no relation whatsoever to
    even the most generous reading of their words.

    For the record, when ten days ago presidential chief of staff Hovik
    Abrahamyan requested by telephone Heritage Party chairman Raffi K.
    Hovannisian's consent to be named in an executive decree to an
    interdepartmental working group charged with preparing by May 10 a
    list of proposals to the president in connection with PACE Resolution
    1609, Raffi Hovannisian informed Abrahamyan, inter alia, that he would
    be away from Armenia for family and professional reasons until that
    time. Nonetheless, Hovannisian explicitly stated his and Heritage's
    readiness to engage directly in a meaningful discourse with the
    president and his working group whenever deemed desirable. What is
    more, the executive board of the Heritage Party communicated to the
    chief of staff its nomination of MP Stepan Safaryan to replace
    Hovannisian in the daily activities of the working group, and to this
    day has received no official response in this connection.

    The coalition and those who author its statements are free, of course,
    to write whatever they want. But if integrity means nothing, and
    their sole aim is to create a formal if superficial record to take
    something back to Strasbourg, then they should keep Raffi Hovannisian
    and the Heritage Party out of it. Heritage does not need gratuitous,
    self-serving sermons on how and when and where to work.

    If, on the other hand, there does reside a sober understanding of the
    gravity of the current crisis in the coalition's pronouncements on the
    relevant PACE resolution and incorporated demands, in whose favor all
    of its delegates voted, then the Heritage Party stands ready in good
    faith to negotiate with the coalition and its leader for
    accomplishment of a program of national recovery for Hayastan and all
    of our people.

    The Heritage Party
    6 May 2008
    From: Baghdasarian