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Traveler Club Opens in Yerevan

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  • Traveler Club Opens in Yerevan


    YEREVAN, MAY 7, NOYAN TAPAN. The opening of the National Geographic
    Traveler Club took place and an exhibition of photographs of the
    National Geographic Traveler Armenia magazine was organized in Yerevan
    on May 5. The photographs of the "Unwitnessed Armenia" special issue of
    the National Geographic Traveler, as well as those of the materials
    "Towards the top of Ararat" and "Noravanq" are exhibited in the
    exhibition and will be published in the next issue of the magazine.

    As Ruben Mangasarian, the editor-in-chief of the magazine, mentioned,
    the objective of the club is to organize interesting adventurous
    travellings on the basis of the materials published in the magazine.
    Joint travellings of journalists and club members are also planned for
    the purpose of preparing new materials for the magazine. The club will
    launch its activities with the Kars and Ani journey. According to Ruben
    Mangasarian, journeys towards Khustup, Bridge of Satan, Noratus,
    Fioletovo with the materials of the special issue of the "Unwitnessed
    Armenia" are also planned. Everybody without any restrictions can
    become a member of the club.

    It was also mentioned that the National Geographic Traveller has 4.7
    million readers in the United States of America. The magazine is
    published also in the countries of China, Spain, Russia, Netherlands,
    Israel, Poland, Hungary, Slovenia and Latin America. The periodical
    publishing of the National Geofraphic Traveler Armenia is envisaged to
    start in the near future publishing 6 issues a year. The objective of
    the Armenian National Geographic Traveler is to newly discover Armenia
    and Armenian historical-cultural hetitage abroad, to acquaint readers
    with the sights of the world and help to productively organize the
    travelling and rest.