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Pope: ... also present the head of the Armenian Church

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  • Pope: ... also present the head of the Armenian Church, Italy
    May 7 2008

    Pope: an "ecumenical" general audience, also present the head of the
    Armenian Church

    Benedict XVI wanted beside him Karekin II, who is paying a visit to
    the Holy See. An exchange of greetings highlights hope in the journey
    toward full unity. This evening, the concert of the philharmonic
    orchestra of Beijing. The Chinese embassy relates the event to the
    Olympics and to an "improvement" in relations with the Vatican. A new
    appeal for solidarity toward Myanmar.

    Vatican City (AsiaNews) - The hope for Christian unity marked today's
    general audience, characterised by the presence, beside the pope, of
    the head of the Armenian Church, the "catholikos" Karekin II, who is
    paying a visit to the Holy See.

    The entire audience thus bore a strongly ecumenical imprint. The pope
    welcomed Karekin with an embrace in front of the basilica, and wanted
    him beside him for the entire duration of the audience, which began
    with an exchange of greetings between Benedict XVI and Karekin. The
    prayer for Christian unity thus resounded in the words of Benedict XVI
    and of the catholikos. The pope in particular emphasised the
    "excellent relations" between the two Churches, and said that he is
    sure that "the spirit of John Paul II is praying for unity".

    The presence of the catholikos of the Armenians, who was accompanied
    by 18 bishops and by a group of the faithful, is situated in fact in
    the context of a progressive reconciliation between the two Churches,
    which began at the start of the Vatican Council and received a strong
    impulse during the pontificate of John Paul II, who visited the
    country in 2001. Karekin recalled this, emphasising "common prayers"
    to the Holy Spirit so that "the steps" toward full unity may
    continue. "We are all children of the one Father, and we are all
    brothers and sisters". Making a reference to the theological
    differences between Catholics and Armenians, Karekin added that
    "intolerance and conflicts cannot be permitted within our Churches".
    Incomprehension and terrorism, he continued, sow distress in the
    world, especially in the Middle East. Recalling the genocide of the
    Armenians and the sufferings of his people, he concluded by
    maintaining that in truth and in the unity of Christians, there is
    hope for peace. Another embrace with the pope and a heartrending
    Armenian song concluded this first part of the audience.

    Repeating what he had said in his greeting to Karekin, Benedict XVI,
    addressing the 40,000 people present in Saint Peter's Square, spoke of
    his "joy" at the possibility of welcoming the head of the Armenian
    Church. "His presence", he continued, "revives within us our hope for
    the unity of all Christians". The pope then recalled "the
    unforgettable visit made" by Karekin to Rome in 2000, immediately
    after his election. "In meeting with him, John Paul II gave him an
    extraordinary relic of Saint John the Illuminator", a "father" of that
    Church whose "commitment to dialogue" he emphasised. Benedict XVI
    said that he is "certain that the current visit will contribute to
    intensifying the relations that exist between our Churches", and to
    "advancing hope along the road of ecumenism". The Lord, he added,
    "never abandons us on our journey", and in our "efforts to overcome
    every laceration in the living fabric of the Church".

    Benedict XVI then gave thanks "for the accomplishments reached in this
    journey that leads to the full communion of all the disciples of
    Christ", and he finally repeated his exhortation to prayer for unity
    that he addressed to Catholics during his recent visit to the United

    The pope's schedule today, which was marked this morning by a step
    along the journey for Christian unity, will in a certain sense have a
    follow-through this evening. For the first time, and orchestra of the
    People's Republic of China, the China Philharmonic Orchestra of
    Beijing, will hold a concert in the Vatican, in the presence of
    Benedict XVI himself.

    It is an event whose true impact is difficult to evaluate, and which
    the political and press office of the Chinese embassy in Rome has
    described in this way: "this performance is an initiative of cultural
    exchange, we hope to express with music the enthusiasm and expectation
    of the Chinese people for the Olympics of Beijing, we hope that music
    may constitute a bridge of mutual understanding and communication
    between the East and West. It will be our pleasure if this
    performance may contribute a positive influence to the improvement of
    China-Vatican relations".

    At the end of the audience, the pope finally renewed his appeal before
    the "cry of suffering and for help from the dear population of
    Myanmar", renewing his exhortation "to open [our] heart to pity, and
    to generosity "toward those who can alleviate the sufferings" of the
    population. l=en&art=12190&size=A