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Analysis: Trouble brewing in the Caucasus

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  • Analysis: Trouble brewing in the Caucasus

    Religious Intelligence Ltd, UK
    May 7 2008

    Analysis: trouble brewing in the Caucasus

    Wednesday, 7th May 2008. 4:06pm
    By: Marcus Papadopoulos.

    Alexander Pushkin, the great Russian poet, once wrote: `I know how to
    use a dagger/I was born in the Caucasus'. The outbreak of hostilities
    in this volatile region following the collapse of the Soviet Union in
    1991, namely in Nagorno-Karabakh, South Ossetia, Abkhazia and
    Chechnya, demonstrates that Pushkin's observation of the violent
    nature of the Caucasus remains as pertinent today as it was then.

    During the 1990s the world was witness to a series of conflicts in
    parts of the Caucasus that even some members of the
    foreign-policy-making-elite in the West were not well acquainted with.

    In the years of the USSR, Soviet power had ensured that historic
    animosities between various peoples of the Caucasus inherited from
    Tsarist Russia were suppressed by an iron fist and constant vigilance
    by the secret police. The existence of a Soviet national identity also
    helped bind together these peoples, albeit in a fragile manner.

    However, following the coming to power in the Kremlin of Mikhail
    Gorbachev and his subsequent policies of Glasnost (political openness)
    and Perestroika (economic reform) Soviet control over this restless
    area had waned so considerably by the beginning of the 1990s that old
    hatreds and feuds began to resurface. And with the death of the Soviet
    colossus in 1991, these historic enmities were quickly transformed
    into brutal wars which resulted in the deaths and displacements of
    tens of thousands of people.

    The first conflict which emerged in the dying years of the USSR and
    which continued past its death was the contested area of
    Nagorno-Karabakh, populated mostly by ethnic Armenians but at the time
    a part the Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic. As a consequence of
    Armenian deputies to the National Council of Nagorno-Karabakh voting
    in 1988 to make this area a part of the Armenian Soviet Socialist
    Republic, tension between ethnic Armenians and the authorities in
    Baku, the Azeri capital, developed. Full-scale fighting between the
    two sides quickly followed suit and a ceasefire only came into play
    after a Russian negotiated peace in 1994. Today Nagorno-Karabakh has
    de facto independence, although officially it is still a part of

    Next to follow down the path of war were two regions in Georgia. In
    the early 1920s the Bolshevik government had made South Ossetia an
    autonomous region of the Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic, and in
    1931 the Soviet leader Joseph Stalin transferred Abkhazia to the
    jurisdiction of Georgia. In 1992 violence flared up between Tbilisi
    and these two regions when the latter unilaterally declared
    independence from Georgia and sought closer ties, including
    reunification, with Russia.

    Fighting between Georgian and South Ossetia troops ceased in 1992
    following the introduction of Russian peacekeeping units and in
    Abkhazia after Georgia forces were driven out in 1993. Russian
    soldiers have subsequently maintained a frail peace in both regions.

    The most bloody and most destructive war to engulf the former Soviet
    Union, however, was in Chechnya from 1994 onwards. Annexed by the
    Russian Empire during the Caucasian War of 1817-1864, this
    predominantly Muslim populated area has remained a thorn in the side
    of successive Russian regimes since. Stalin's deportation of the
    entire Chechen population (one million people in all) to Central Asia
    in 1944 on the unfounded accusations of it having collaborated with
    the Wehrmacht during the Second World War left deeply ingrained
    resentment towards Moscow in the minds of many Chechens and a desire
    for revenge against the Russians.

    With the demise of the USSR, Chechnya, under the presidency of former
    Soviet Air Force general Dzhokhar Dudayev, declared independence from
    the Russian Federation following a controversial referendum. After
    unsuccessful attempts by the Kremlin to overthrow Dudayev by employing
    Chechen forces loyal to the Russian state in a string of battles, the
    late president Boris Yeltsin in December 1994 deployed the Russian
    army into Chechnya to bring the rebellious republic to heel. A bloody
    conflict subsequently developed between Russian forces and Chechen
    militants, and with large casualties incurred by both sides.

    The fighting ended humiliatingly for the Russians following the
    Khasavyurt Accord in August 1996 which afforded Chechnya de facto
    independence. In common with Afghanistan before the American-led
    invasion, Chechnya was a staging post for home-grown and foreign
    Islamist terrorists in the period 1994-1999.

    In September 1999 Vladimir Putin, who at the time was Yeltsin's prime
    minister, ordered the Russian army back into Chechnya to curb the
    growing Islamist threat there and to help preserve the territorial
    integrity of the Russian Federation. Today Chechnya is relatively
    stable. With the Russian army having won the conventional war against
    Chechen militants and through the use of effective counter-insurgency
    measures by Russian special forces and Chechen special forces loyal to
    the Kremlin, together with Moscow having installed a pro-Russian
    Chechen hard man to run the republic, President Ramzan Kadyrov,
    militant resistance is now largely confined to sporadic, low-level
    attacks on federal forces and policeman in Chechnya.

    Nonetheless, the danger of the conflict reigniting remains ever
    present for the Russian government. The conflict in Chechnya spilled
    into the neighbouring Muslim republics of Dagestan and
    Ingushetiya. Moscow is having to devote considerable amounts of its
    forces and funds from the federal budget to the Caucasus to counter
    the Islamist threat still present and to ensure it does not spread to
    Russia's other Muslin regions: Adygeya, Karachaevo-Cherkessiya,
    Kabarbino-Balkariya, Baskortostan and Tatarstan.

    However, a new conflict is potentially brewing elsewhere in the
    Caucasus as a result of unsettled disputes and great power rivalry.

    The spotlight is now on Russia and Georgia. Since the ascension to
    power of Georgian president Mikheil Saakashvili, relations between
    Moscow and Tbilisi have deteriorated rapidly. The US-trained lawyer
    has set himself three objectives: firstly, bringing South Ossetia and
    Abkhazia back under Tbilisi's jurisdiction; secondly, joining the
    European Union; and thirdly, joining NATO.

    With Washington courting Georgia as an ally (demonstrated by
    significant levels of economic and military assistance) Saakashvili is
    brimming with confidence in his dispute with Russia. However, both he
    and his backers in the US could help ignite a major war in the
    Caucasus which could see not only a resumption of fighting in
    Tbilisi's two secessionist regions but also Georgia becoming embroiled
    in a major war with its giant neighbour to the north-Russia.

    During the 1990s Moscow issued Russian passports to practically any
    citizen of South Ossetia and Abkhazia who wanted one. Today nearly
    ninety per cent of these populations are Russian citizens. The Kremlin
    can argue, in accordance with its constitution, that any threat posed
    to South Ossetia and Abkhazia compels the Russian government to take
    immediate counter measures to defend its citizens in these regions.

    President Putin recently reaffirmed this commitment by ordering his
    government to construct and implement plans which would help the
    populations of South Ossetia and Abkhazia. Fearing that NATO (which
    recently affirmed its desire to see Georgia admitted as a member) is
    attempting to place a cordon sanitaire around a resurgent Russia, the
    Kremlin is prepared to use its military muscle to defend the
    strategically important regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia from
    Georgian clutches. By doing Moscow is sending a clear message to
    Tbilisi that Russia is the dominant force in the Caucasus. The Russian
    government is also letting Washington that it will not hesitate to use
    force to safeguard what it regards as vital interests.

    There are increasing signs to suggest that Russia and Georgia could be
    on the brink of war. The Georgian authorities have provided dramatic
    footage of the shooting down of one of its unmanned spy planes over
    Abkhazia by what appeared to be a MiG-29 from the Russian Air
    Force. Russia has accused Georgia of amassing approximately 1,500 of
    its troops, supported by tanks and armoured personnel carriers, in the
    Kodori Gorge, the area which separates Abkhazia from Georgia proper.

    An unnamed source in the Russian Defence Ministry has commented that a
    Georgian invasion of Abkhazia is imminent. In response to Tbilisi's
    moves, the Russians have deployed more soldiers (including an airborne
    unit), together with extra hardware, to Abkhazia, strengthening its
    overall military presence there to 2,500 troops. It is clear that any
    act of aggression by the Georgians will be met with force by the

    The Russian-Georgian standoff took a turn for the worse over the past
    weekend by the alleged shooting down of two more Georgian spy drones
    over Abkhazia, and by Tbilisi withdrawing from a bilateral air defence
    treaty with Moscow.

    Moscow is incensed by NATO's eastward expansion to the western borders
    of the Russian Federation and by Washington's plans to install a
    missile defence shield in Poland and the Czech Republic which the
    Russians claim would upset the balance of nuclear deterrence in Europe
    in NATO's favour. Further to this, the Russian official psyche is
    still scarred by the loss of Russia's superpower status following the
    collapse of the Soviet Union and the humiliations which followed on
    the international stage when Moscow was sidelined by America and its
    opinion discarded by policy-makers in Washington, for instance during
    the Kosovo war.

    Now that Russia is starting to regain much of its lost superpower
    status (a senior American official recently stated that `Russia is
    once again indisputably the number two military power in the world,
    second only to the United States.'), the Kremlin is determined to
    demonstrate this by imposing its will in areas it considers as its
    sphere of influence (or what the Russians officially call `the near

    Both Washington and Tbilisi need to exercise caution when pursuing
    policies which will inevitably lead to a clash with Moscow. And
    President Saakashvili should remember that in the event of a war
    between Russia and Georgia, which the latter could never hope to win,
    his American sponsors will not come to his aid, apart from supporting
    him at the United Nations.

    The Caucasus could therefore provide the scene for yet another brutal
    conflict. But on this occasion the dimensions are different because of
    the presence of great power rivalries. And so the blood-soaked lands
    of one of the world's most volatile of regions remains an ever potent
    threat to peace. ID=1964