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BAKU: Ukraine Mobile operators corrected mistake regarding NK

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  • BAKU: Ukraine Mobile operators corrected mistake regarding NK

    Azeri Press Agency, Azerbaijan
    May 8 2008

    Bernard Fassier: `The main issue is now when Azerbaijan and Armenian
    presidents will consider the meeting necessary' ` EXCLUSIVE

    [ 08 May 2008 11:01 ]

    `If there will be progresses toward the solution of Nagrono Karabakh
    conflict, it can have positive impact on normalization of relations
    between Turkey and Armenia'

    Strasbourg. Fuad Gulubeyli -APA. OSCE Minsk Group French Co-Chair
    Bernard Fassier's interview to APA

    -How do you evaluate the last meeting of Azerbaijani and Armenian
    foreign ministers?

    -I am pleased that the meeting of foreign ministers took place. It was
    very important meeting, because Armenian foreign minister is new. It
    was important in terms of acquaintance of the ministers, on the other
    hand it was important as the first meeting after the three-month
    break. It was the first meeting after the co-chairs' visit to the
    region in January this year and presidential elections in Armenia. It
    was important meeting for that reason as well.

    -Was the next meeting of the co-chairs to the region discussed at the
    meeting of the ministers?

    -The visit of co-chairs was not the main cause of our meeting. We
    aimed to review the negotiation process and to discuss the ways of
    development of the negotiations after the acquaintance of the
    ministers. As a result of the meeting both ministers assured
    themselves and us in future development of the negotiations. This
    process can develop within the next weeks or months. Revival of the
    negotiations may create opportunities for the meeting of the
    presidents one day. Of course, the meeting will take place if the
    presidents consider it necessary. The ministers agreed to report to
    the presidents about their meeting in detail. We should wait for the
    opinions of the presidents. Visit of the co-chairs also depends on the
    decision of the presidents about their meeting. After this decision we
    have to organize their meeting more successfully. This process will be
    realized within the co-chairs' visit to region or the meeting between
    the ministers. The main issue
    is now when the presidents will consider the meeting necessary.

    -Will the co-chairs prepare new proposals until the meeting of the

    -Submission of new proposals is not on the agenda at present. After
    the Madrid meeting there are even written proposals on the table. Some
    details of these proposals should be clarified. We should review how
    the sides accept these proposals and what is necessary to change or to
    amend. In other words, it demands to work on these proposals, but we
    are not in that phase of the process now.

    Meeting of familiarization of Presidents and Foreign Ministers is
    important at present. We will determine direct of the issue after that
    and will make clear open issues. We should work on amendments to the
    -Presidential elections will be held in Azerbaijan this year. How will
    it influence on the process of negotiations?

    We can negotiate with Foreign Ministers of the two countries, if we
    achieve to hold a meeting of Presidents. All these issues will be
    productive for period after elections and pre-election.

    -French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner said at the meeting with his
    Armenian counterpart that he did not understand why Turkey had closed
    border with Armenia by now. Is it true that France does not know the
    reason of it as a country participating in solution to Nagorno
    Karabakh conflict? Turkey has announced that it is linked with
    occupation of Azerbaijan's lands by Armenia¦

    I cannot say the position of France on Nagorno Karabakh conflict. This
    conflict is not only important for Azerbaijan and Armenia, but all
    regions. France considers Armenia and Azerbaijan as a friend
    traditionally and its position on it is completely impartial. We have
    bilateral relations with Azerbaijan. Former Azerbaijani President
    Heydar Aliyev and current President Ilham Aliyev have personal
    relations with French leadership. It would be development factor if
    the borders were open not only between Turkey and Armenia, but between
    Azerbaijan and Armenia. Nobody is interested in poverty and unlucky of
    its neighbor. Closed borders do not impede air route of Armenians to
    Turkey and their work in Turkey. It shows that relations between the
    two countries have not disturbed completely. We hope peaceful solution
    to the difficult problems between the two countries. Relations between
    Turkey and Armenia will be normal; if there is progress in the
    solution to the Nagorno Karabakh conflict. Normalization of relations
    between Armenia and Turkey will have positive influence on Nagorno
    Karabakh conflict. It is possible to achieve parallel solution to both
    of issues.