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President's congratulation on the Victory and Peace Day

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  • President's congratulation on the Victory and Peace Day

    President Serzh Sargsyan's congratulation on the Victory and Peace Day
    09.05.2008 11:38

    Dear veterans,
    Dear compatriots,

    I congratulate you on the Day of Victory and Peace.
    The triumphant end of the Great Patriotic War was an exceptional event
    in the life of our people. All parts of the Armenian nation had their
    contribution to bringing this victory closer, participating in the army
    of the allies, the resistance movements and especially in the ranks of
    the Soviet Army. The victory achieved at the cost of great sacrifices
    opened new horizons not only for curing the wounds but also developing
    our country. Contemporary Armenia is the continuation of the republic
    that was saved and prospered due to the feats of those who shaped this

    From 1992 May 9 acquired a dual meaning for us. The liberation of
    Shoushi proved to the new generation that it is the worthy successor of
    the heroic past of the predecessors. Shoushi became the symbol of
    freedom-loving and strong will of our people.

    On this festive with day we remember those who sacrificed their life
    for the motherland with great pain, but also with pride. We shall
    always keep bright the memory of our heroes.

    Congratulating on this double May holiday, I wish all of us a peaceful
    sky and deeds worthy of our historical victories.