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Real victories and faltering diplomacy

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  • Real victories and faltering diplomacy

    Real victories and faltering diplomacy

    09-05-2008 11:32:57 - KarabakhOpen

    `The leader of the Democratic Party of Armenia Aram Sargsyan is
    dissatisfied with the statements of the foreign ministry of Armenia on
    holding a plebiscite on the status of Karabakh. He thinks by similar
    statements Armenia questions the legitimacy of all the acts since 1988
    which enabled the foundation of the Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh, just
    like the fact of legitimacy of the state.' The citation is from
    information about the briefing of Armen Sargsyan.

    This citation clearly reveals the main political controversy without
    overcoming which the settlement of the Karabakh issue is impossible.
    More exactly, it is possible but not in favor of the Armenian side. To
    put it more clearly, the controversy is the lack of harmony in the
    political steps of the Armenian side and the existing reality.

    This disharmony of political ambitions and the reality is observed in
    many countries. However, as a rule, this inconsistency is biased for
    ambitions ` the societies which have no potential and force attack on
    the diplomatic front at random, hoping for good luck. And they are
    often lucky. Our case is the opposite ` on the diplomatic front we
    question our real victories.

    We have declared and built a state but another country negotiates
    instead of us. We elect our government but they do not even try to take
    a seat at the table of talks. We gained advantage in the unequal war
    and now we are negotiating for disadvantage. What is more, we are
    negotiating with the foe which does not stop threatening us. We even
    agree to discuss with it the issue of declaring independence once
    again, if they allow us, of course. In addition, not within the present
    borders but the borders of the non-existent autonomous republic of the
    non-existent country.

    What does this stem from? Lack of self-confidence, complex of
    geopolitical inferiority, or failure to understand of the rules of this
    world which turns out to be based on the right of power rather than the
    power of right. In any way, such attitude to our own strength and
    interests gives birth to disrespect rather than respect.

    The recurrent celebration of the day of liberation of Shushi led to
    such judgments. The great victory which brought real security to
    thousands of people is still being questioned. During the first meeting
    with his Armenian counterpart the minister of foreign affairs of
    Azerbaijan again says it is necessary to `withdraw the Armenian force,
    return the refugees and create conditions for coexistence of Armenians
    and Azerbaijanis in the framework of territorial integrity of
    Azerbaijan.' And we continue to negotiate. We continue to pull down
    buildings in Shushi and do not build new ones. We continue¦