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A case of Muslim deviance?

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  • A case of Muslim deviance?

    The Statesman (India)
    May 9, 2008 Friday


    Once again the CIA and MI6 are publishing dire warnings of the
    vitality of Al Qaida. Once again the Islamic world as a whole is being
    tarnished by association. US presidential contender John McCain is
    saying that America needs a leadership to confront the transcendent
    challenge of our time: the threat of radical Islamic terrorism. And
    the words still ring in our ears from Mr Samuel Huntingtons treatise,
    The Clash of Civiliza-tions, which in many ways triggered this
    paranoia that infects the politicians, the press and the public
    discourse. The underlying problem for the West is not Islamic
    fundamentalism, IT IS ISLAM, he wrote.

    Few, if any, in the Western leadership seem to make the point that Al
    Qaida is a deviant phenomenon within the Islamic world, just as
    Hit-ler was a deviant phenomenon within the Christian world
    (commentators seem to overlook Hitlers early speeches calling on
    Catholic principles). But Islam has a much better record over the ages
    (despite its founder being far more warlike than the founder of
    Christianity) of dealing with its deviants who take violence to
    excess. Islamic culture has never been tolerant of Nazism, fascism or
    communism. Christian-ity has spawned all three. Buddhism failed to
    resist Japanese militarism and Confucianism proved hospitable to
    Maoism. Yes, there was Saddam Hussein, but he was an atheistic brute
    without an ideology.

    Of course, there have been many incidents in the long history of Islam
    when there have been large-scale losses of life. The massacres and
    starvation of the Armenians in 1915 still stirs the waters of
    contemporary debate. But Islam has never spawned anything comparable
    with Hitlers systematic genocide of the Jews ~ in-deed throughout its
    history Islam has been protective of the Jews, regarding them as
    people of the book to whom it had a special responsibility. Nor has it
    settled other parts of the world and systematically obliterated other
    civilizations, as did Christian Spain with the Aztecs and Incas. Nor
    have Islamic societies created anything equivalent to South Africas
    apartheid or the racist culture of the old American South. Unlike many
    Christian churches, the mosque has never separated people by
    race. Even today Americans confess that nowhere is there more
    segregation in their society than at the Sunday noon hour.

    Western memories are highly selective. When at Easter time the Greek
    peasants of the Pelo-ponnese began to kill all the Muslims in the land
    there was silence. But 50 years later when there were mass killings of
    Christians in Bul-garia there was a great outpouring of moral
    outrage. Delacroix immortalised the massacre in his painting, Massacre
    of Chaos, with Chris-tian women pursued by Turkish lancers and the
    19th century Liberal British Prime Minister William Gladstone wrote a
    bestselling pamphlet in which he described the Ottomans as leaving a
    broad line of blood marking the track behind them, and as far as their
    domination reached civilization vanished from view.

    Almost forgotten today is that it was the Otto-mans who gave refuge to
    the Jews when they were expelled from Iberia, as were fleeing Ger-man,
    French and Czech Protestants, but every cultivated Westerner knows
    Voltaires Fanati-cism or Mohammed the Prophet or Dantes portrayal of
    Mohammed in hell.

    Christianity has always been led or dominated by people of European
    descent. But the leadership of the Muslim world has been much more
    fragmented ~ between 661 AD and 750 AD it was the Arab Umayyad
    dynasty. Between 750 and 1258 it was the multi-ethnic Abbasid
    dynasty. And from 1453 to 1922, the Turkish-dominated Ottoman
    Empire. In India there was the separate Mughals and in Persia the
    Safa-vids. In sub-Saharan Africa there were the Mus-lim empires of
    Mali and Songhai.

    Despite their relative poverty today, with great teaming cities like
    Cairo, Dhaka and Jak-arta, criminal violence is much, much lower than
    in Christian-influenced societies. Muslim countries, according to the
    UNs annual human development report, have the worlds lowest murder and
    rape rates.

    In Teheran, the capital of Iran and according to the CIA the most
    important single source of terrorism today, you can go out at 11 or 12
    at night and find families with children picnicking in city
    parks. When my daughters friends ask me where they can safely travel
    alone in an interesting Third World city I say Cairo. Certainly not
    Catholic Rio or Protestant Cape Town. Not only are murders and
    muggings comparatively rarer, there is much less prostitution and hard
    drug use. Neither is there that much of AIDS.

    The Western debate about Islam is frankly infantile. Even Mr Barack
    Obama, the Demo-cratic presidential candidate, is either ignorant or
    scared of going into battle on these issues. I have not read one
    speech by one Western poli-tician who seriously attempts to educate
    public opinion. We live in a slough of ignorance.