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Pope Speaks of Immense Task of Rebuilding Church in Armenia

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  • Pope Speaks of Immense Task of Rebuilding Church in Armenia

    Vatican Radio, The Vatican
    May 9 2008

    Pope Speaks of Immense Task of Rebuilding Church in Armenia

    (09 May 08- RV) Pope Benedict XVI met Friday with Catholicos Karekin,
    Patriarch of All Armenia.

    The two men met ahead of an ecumenical service, presided over by Pope
    Benedict which saw the participation of members of the Armenian Church
    travelling with the Patriarch.

    During the ceremony held in the Clementine hall of the Apostolic
    Palace, Pope Benedict XVI delivered the following discourse:

    Your Holiness,
    Dear Brothers in Christ,

    It is with heartfelt joy that I welcome Your Holiness, and the
    distinguished delegation accompanying you. I cordially greet the
    prelates, priests and lay-people who represent the worldwide family of
    the Catholicosate of All Armenians. We come together in the name of
    our Lord Jesus Christ, who promised his disciples that `where two or
    three are gathered in my name, I am there among them' (Mt 18:20). May
    the spirit of brotherly love and service, which Jesus taught to his
    disciples, enlighten our hearts and minds, as we exchange our
    greetings, hold our conversations and gather in prayer.

    I gratefully recall the visits of Catholicos Vasken I and Catholicos
    Karekin I to the Church of Rome, and their cordial relations with my
    venerable predecessors Pope Paul VI and Pope John Paul II. Their
    striving for Christian unity opened a new era in relations between
    us. I recall with particular joy Your Holiness' visit to Rome in 2000
    and your meeting with Pope John Paul II. The ecumenical liturgy in the
    Vatican Basilica, celebrating the gift of a relic of Saint Gregory the
    Illuminator, was one of the most memorable events of the Great Jubilee
    in Rome. Pope John Paul II returned that visit by travelling to
    Armenia in 2001, where You graciously hosted him at Holy
    Etchmiadzin. The warm welcome you gave him on that occasion further
    increased his esteem and respect for the Armenian people. The
    Eucharist celebrated by Pope John Paul II on the great outdoor altar,
    within the enclosure of Holy Etchmiadzin, was a further sign of
    growing mutual acceptance, in expectation of the day when we will be
    able to celebrate together at the one table of the Lord.

    Tomorrow evening, each of us, in our respective traditions, will begin
    the liturgical celebration of Pentecost. Fifty days after the
    Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, we will pray earnestly to the
    Father, asking him to send his Holy Spirit, the Spirit whose task it
    is to maintain us in divine love and lead us into all truth. We will
    pray in a particular way for the unity of the Church. On Pentecost
    day, it was the Holy Spirit who created from the many languages of the
    crowds assembled in Jerusalem one single voice to profess the
    faith. It is the Holy Spirit who brings about the Church's unity. The
    path towards the restoration of full and visible communion among all
    Christians may seem long and arduous. Much remains to be done to heal
    the deep and painful divisions that disfigure Christ's Body. The Holy
    Spirit, however, continues to guide the Church in surprising and often
    unexpected ways. He can open doors that are locked, inspire words that
    have been forgotten, heal relations that are broken. If our hearts and
    minds are open to the Spirit of communion, God can work miracles again
    in the Church, restoring the bonds of unity. Striving for Christian
    unity is an act of obedient trust in the work of the Holy Spirit, who
    leads the Church to the full realization of the Father's plan, in
    conformity with the will of Christ.

    The recent history of the Armenian Apostolic Church has been written
    in the contrasting colours of persecution and martyrdom, darkness and
    hope, humiliation and spiritual re-birth. Your Holiness and the
    members of your delegation have personally lived through these
    contrasting experiences in your families and in your own lives. The
    restoration of freedom to the Church in Armenia has been a source of
    great joy for us all. An immense task of rebuilding the Church has
    been laid on your shoulders. I cannot but voice my great esteem for
    the remarkable pastoral results that have been achieved in such a
    short time, both in Armenia and abroad, for the Christian education of
    young people, for the training of new clergy, for building new
    churches and community centres, for charitable assistance to those in
    need, and for promoting Christian values in social and cultural
    life. Thanks to your pastoral leadership, the glorious light of Christ
    shines again in Armenia and the saving words of the Gospel can be
    heard once more. Of course, you are still facing many challenges on
    the social, cultural and spiritual levels. In this regard, I must
    mention the recent difficulties suffered by the people of Armenia, and
    I express the prayerful support of the Catholic Church in their search
    for justice and peace and the promotion of the common good.

    In our ecumenical dialogue, important progress has been made in
    clarifying the doctrinal controversies that have traditionally divided
    us, particularly over questions of Christology. During the last five
    years, much has been achieved by the Joint Commission for Theological
    Dialogue between the Catholic Church and the Oriental Orthodox
    Churches, of which the Catholicosate of All Armenians is a full
    member. I thank Your Holiness for the support given to the work of the
    Joint Commission and for the valuable contribution made by your
    representatives. We pray that its activity will bring us closer to
    full and visible communion, and that the day will come when our unity
    in faith makes possible a common celebration of the Eucharist. Until
    that day, the bonds between us are best consolidated and extended by
    agreements on pastoral issues, in line with the degree of doctrinal
    agreement already attained. Only when sustained by prayer and
    supported by effective cooperation, can theological dialogue lead to
    the unity that the Lord wishes for his disciples.

    Your Holiness, dear friends: in the twelfth century, Nerses of Lambron
    addressed a group of Armenian Bishops. He concluded his famous Synodal
    Discourse on the restoration of Christian unity with visionary words,
    that still affect us today: `You are not wrong, Venerable Fathers: it
    is meritorious to weep over days past in discord. However, today is
    the day that the Lord has made, a day of gladness and joy (¦) Let
    us then pray in order that our Lord give tenderness, sweetness in
    greater abundance still, and that He develop on earth, by the dew of
    the Holy Spirit, this seed; perhaps, thanks to His power may we also
    produce fruits; so that we may restore the peace of the Church of
    Christ today in intention, tomorrow in fact'. This is also my
    prayerful wish on the occasion of your visit. I thank you most warmly
    and assure you of my deep affection in the Lord. rticolo.asp?c4385