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ANCA Chairman Sharply Criticizes Bush's Final April 24th Statement

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  • ANCA Chairman Sharply Criticizes Bush's Final April 24th Statement

    Armenian National Committee of America
    1711 N Street, NW
    Washington, DC 20036
    Tel. (202) 775-1918
    Fax. (202) 775-5648
    Email [email protected]

    May 9, 2008
    Contact: Elizabeth S. Chouldjian
    Tel: (202) 775-1918


    -- Hachikian Attacks White House Policy as
    "Morally Bankrupt" in Letter to President

    WASHINGTON, DC - Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA)
    Chairman Ken Hachikian strongly criticized President George W.
    Bush's most recent April 24th statement as the final step of his
    betrayal of his campaign promise to recognize the Armenian
    Genocide, and a symbol of his Administration's "morally bankrupt"
    eight-year policy of complicity in Turkey's lies and denials.

    The letter also notes that the President, during his two terms in
    office, has refused repeated requests by the leadership of the
    Armenian American community to discuss the Armenian Genocide and
    other issues of mutual concern. Earlier this year, on April 4th,
    Hachikian wrote a separate letter to the Secretary of State
    outlining 13 specific areas in which the Administration pursued
    policies at odds with the views and values of America's one and a
    half million citizens of Armenian heritage.

    The full text of the ANCA letter to President Bush is provided


    May 9, 2008

    The Honorable George W. Bush
    President of the United States of America
    The White House
    1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
    Washington, DC 20500

    Dear President Bush,

    I am writing, in the wake of your final April 24th statement, to
    share with you the Armenian American community's profound sadness
    over your betrayal of your own pledge to properly recognize the
    genocidal campaign committed against the Armenian people.

    In each of your eight statements, you retreated from your campaign
    statement, choosing instead to use evasive and euphemistic
    terminology to obscure the full moral, historical, and contemporary
    legal implications of Turkey's genocide against the Armenian people
    between 1915-1923. Beyond the depths of this moral failing, as
    President you went further, utilizing the full force of your White
    House to silence others who, through their own words and actions,
    sought to properly commemorate the very crime that you had promised
    to recognize as a candidate for office. You fired U.S. Ambassador
    to Armenia, John Marshall Evans, for remarks that were entirely
    within keeping with the spirit and letter of your own campaign
    pledge. More recently, using every government resource at your
    disposal, you sought to block Congress from adopting a resolution
    that simply reaffirmed the vow, now forsaken, that you made to the
    American people.

    As you know, despite repeated requests on our part over your past
    two terms in office, you never once offered the leadership of the
    Armenian American community an opportunity to consult with you on
    this issue, even as the media has consistently reported that you
    have discussed the Armenian Genocide in meetings with leaders of
    foreign nations.

    We are truly saddened by your broken campaign pledge and, of
    course, by your morally bankrupt policy of complicity in Turkey's
    campaign of Armenian Genocide denial. We respectfully ask, once
    again, for a meeting between you and the leadership of our
    community to discuss this and other issues of mutual concern.


    Kenneth V. Hachikian