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Movses Hakobyan: Army Capable of Maintaining Ceasefire

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  • Movses Hakobyan: Army Capable of Maintaining Ceasefire

    Movses Hakobyan: `Our army is capable of maintaining the ceasefire in
    the conflict zone'

    10-05-2008 13:32:10 - KarabakhOpen

    An interview with NKR Defense Minister General-Lieutenant Movses

    Q - Mr. Hakobyan, I'd first like to congratulate you on the anniversary
    of the liberation of Shushi and my first question relates to it. What
    was the significance of Shushi's liberation for Karabakh?

    A - Thanks for the congratulations. As for the significance of the
    liberation of Shushi in terms of Karabakh we can look at the issue from
    several angles. As a commander in the military services of the republic
    I would single out only two factors. First, the victory won in Shushi
    restored Armenians with the belief that they could rely on their own
    strengths and lead them to take solace in one overriding truth. That is
    if you wish to command the respect and esteem of others first see to it
    that you can defend yourself and that you master the skills to
    neutralize the threat posed by the enemy, when the need arises.
    Secondly, the operation involving the liberation of Shushi showed that
    victory is inevitable if you have a leadership force and an army with
    all its prerequisite structures in place. Yes, these were the two
    important lessons that Armenians learned on May 9, 1992 and served as
    the core of their future dazzling victories.

    Q - The Azeri military budget grows yearly. Won't this upset the
    balance of power? What steps are being taken to maintain the balance?

    A - Lately, I've answered this question on several occasions and I must
    confess that the yearly increase in the Azeri military budget is of
    concern and only goes to show the aggressive intentions of Baku. Let me
    add however that in the final analysis every military budget gets its
    final evaluation on the battlefield. In passing I should also note that
    during the war itself the Azeri military budget outstripped our battle
    expenses many fold but as it turned out Baku couldn't translate this
    superiority into victory. I don't believe that it is possible to obtain
    an advantage or upset the relation of forces merely through additional
    military expenditures. Success is achieved not so much through the
    growth of the military budget but rather as a result of the more
    efficient and targeted utilization of the resources at hand. And I can
    assure you that we're accomplishing this otherwise Azerbaijan wouldn't
    have tolerated the ceasefire for fourteen straight years.

    Q - Lately American-Armenian analyst Richard Giragosian stated in an
    article that the military preparedness of the Azeri army was less than
    its military expenditures would indicate. Do you agree with this

    A - If I wasn't an army commander but still possessed all the
    information regarding the Azeri armed forces that I do know, perhaps
    I'd agree with Mr. Giragosian. But my responsible position within the
    government obligates me to overestimate the resources of our potential
    opponent. It is incorrect to underestimate the enemy and we cannot
    afford to make such a mistake.

    Q - According to several studies the south Caucasus region is the most
    militarized in all of Europe. Do you agree with this viewpoint? In
    general, is the arms race a danger or a guarantor of security today?

    A - Given that there are still a number of unresolved conflicts in our
    region the arms build-up is perhaps inevitable. We are thus forced to
    view the process as both a threat to and a guarantor of security. This
    is the situation confronting us today and we must take it into account
    in all our decision-making.

    Q - The NKR army is considered to be the most fighting-ready force in
    the Transcaucasus. Is this still the case today?

    A - I am not the person to talk about this...There are higher bodies
    that periodically evaluate what we have accomplished. But it remains an
    indisputable fact that for many consecutive years our army has
    succeeded in maintaining the ceasefire in the conflict zone and
    ensuring the peaceful livelihood of our people without the intervention
    of a third force. All this speaks to the high level of our army's
    military preparedness. Those high marks given to our army from time to
    time, rather than lull us into a false sense of satisfaction, serve to
    make us work even harder. As to the comparison regarding various armies
    in the region, as always, I'd rather hear about that from others than

    Q - The Karabakh war is included in the curriculum being taught in
    military academies in Russia. What was it about the Karabakh War that
    has made it required subject matter in Russian military instruction?

    A - Generally, the study of the lessons derived from various wars is
    vital in establishing a top-level school of military science. It is not
    by accident that 2007 was declared to be the `Year to reassess our
    army's track record and to appreciate our best traditions', during
    which the main emphasis was placed on those military operations that
    took place in the Artsakh liberation war that can garner the interest
    of any given specialist in the field of the military arts, with their
    uniqueness and operational characteristics. Of particular interest are
    the operations conducted by small detachments, their quick redeployment
    from one battle front to another, the characteristics inherent in
    creating army structures parallel to carrying out military operations,
    etc. Naturally, these are narrow specialist issues whose study and
    dissemination require more time. I am convinced that many others will
    study the lessons culled from our war as well in the future.

    Q - What's your evaluation of the negotiation process?

    A - I am convinced that the negotiations taking place under the
    auspices of the OSCE constitute the only avenue leading to the peaceful
    settlement of the Karabakh conflict.

    Q - In your estimation what's the probability that Azerbaijan will
    resume military operations or do you think those bellicose declarations
    were merely pre-election campaign rhetoric?

    A - Regardless of whether those statements reflect a willingness on the
    part of Azerbaijan to resume military operations or not, our forces are
    always in the necessary state of military preparedness and will
    effectively confront any military challenge whenever the need arises.
    As to the probability that warfare might resume I must tell you that,
    given my official position, I am obliged to confront such an
    eventuality at any moment, even right now as we speak...