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Armenia says: "Nagorno-Karabakh Independence is Final"

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  • Armenia says: "Nagorno-Karabakh Independence is Final"

    Global Politician, NY
    May 11 2008

    Armenia says: "Nagorno-Karabakh Independence is Final"

    Abdul Ruff - 5/11/2008

    The nations seeking and fighting for their independence and freedom
    from the parent or colonial powers that have annexed them in the past
    have become order of modern civilization and globalization does
    promote the positive process of gaining freedom in a meaningful
    way. While the occupying powers resist the freedom bids by
    "subordinates", most of the countries support the moves. Many nations
    have already secured independence and some more are still struggling
    for freedom. And sooner or later they will also, as natural outcome of
    the flow of history, achieve their legitimate ambitions. Recently,
    Kosovo has declared independence form Serbia , the successor state of
    Yugoslavia that became several smaller nations as a result of collapse
    of the Warsaw Treaty orgnization.

    Nagorno-Karabakh region in the Caucasus mountains in Azerbaijan , a
    former republic of Soviet Union that got independence in 1989, sought
    freedom, supported by neighboring Armenia another former Soviet
    republic, obviously for religousl resons, but denied by parent
    Azerbaijan. In spite of the fact that Azerbaijan prevents the regain
    to become independent, Nagorno-Karabakh has already declared free form
    Azerbaijan . The region's ethnic Armenian leaders or the socalled
    "separatists" run their own affairs, with support from Armenia.
    Alhough the region has declared its independence from Azerbaijan,
    but this has not been recognized by any state. Hence the stalemate

    Azerbaijan says Armenia has illegally occupied Nagorno-Karabakh, and a
    number of Azeri districts surrounding the region. Baku , which
    announced a 53 percent rise in military spending this month, says it
    is committed to stalled peace talks but has refused to rule out using
    force to restore its control.

    Armenia's new president Serzh Sarksyan said on April 29 that
    Azerbaijan must accept that its breakaway Nagorno-Karabakh region is
    an independent republic that will never be returned to Azeri control,
    Nagorno-Karabakh, broke away from Azerbaijan as the Soviet Union fell
    apart, sparking a war which killed about 35,000 people. A ceasefire
    was agreed in 1994 but the search for a lasting peace is stalled. "
    Azerbaijan must understand the simple reality that the existence of
    the republic of Nagorno-Karabakh 's independence is irreversible,"
    said Sarksyan, who was sworn in this month.

    Azerbaijan and Armenia are still officially at war and their troops
    frequently fight skirmishes along a heavily mined front line. Up to 16
    soldiers were killed in a clash earlier last month. Russia , the
    United States and France are mediators in the conflict. It is quite
    like that Ban Ki Moon the Secretary General would convene a special
    session of UN exclusively to debate on this crucial issue and devise
    strategies to obtain independence and re-independence for the struggle
    nations without letting more blood flow.

    Abdul Ruff is an Indian analyst, researcher & commentator. menia-azerbaijan-nagorno-karabakh