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Simple Question Left Unanswered

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  • Simple Question Left Unanswered


    [02:31 pm] 13 May, 2008

    The April 23rd edition of the "Aravot" Daily offered data that Suren
    Khachatrian, Governor of Shirak Region, had beaten a teenager. About
    two weeks later all the TV channels broadcast Prime Minister Tigran
    Sargssian's statement claiming the falsity of the news and the latter's
    anecdote on the discrepancy between the reality and a rumour.

    Reporter of the "Aravot" Daily Anna Israyelian reminds on this account
    that as early as on April 25 the paper introduced modifications to
    this article, correcting the name of the beaten teenager.

    "Gor Karapetian was taken to hospital for an X-ray examination of
    the jaw and no injuries were detected.

    Whereas Yeghishe Antanossian, who was the one really beaten, was
    claimed to have no serious injuries as far as the physician could
    see "with the naked eye". They should have taken to hospital the
    one really beaten, shouldn't they? Though weeks have passed and the
    bruises might have healed", notices Anna Israyelian.

    The reporter declares that the official information offers thorough
    details on the events preceding the beating but there is no certain
    answer to the simple question whether the teenager was beaten by
    Governor Suren Khachatrian or not. "The investigation was launched
    to find out the real offender but it did not serve the purpose. They
    say the boy's parents have no complaint and the argument has been
    smoothed away. By his anecdote the Prime Minister emphasized the
    falsity of our information but did not reveal the reality. In this
    sense the anecdote was very offensive."

    "Don't you think disguising the facts stimulates the repetition of
    such kind of violence?" asks "A1+".

    "We'd better not hurry in making conclusions. On the one hand I am
    an optimist and I cordially hope the situation will change. On the
    other hand, I might be too naïve to expect that Suren Khachatrian
    will suffer his punishment. He used to offer various services to the
    authorities at the time of Presidential Elections.

    We still hope though the beginning was not hopeful."

    --Boundary_(ID_K1VhNlWaaO9bl/4cw3a oRQ)--

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress