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Who The Hell Are You?

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  • Who The Hell Are You?

    By Kay Azadabeen

    Kurdish Aspect ml
    May 14 2008

    According to a humorist, one of our relatively respectable senators
    had been portrayed to be confused about the Iraqis while needing
    a nap. Although tired, he was awake enough not to confuse Shiites
    and Sunnis with the Kurds. A main advantage for the Kurds during the
    Iraq war has been to be known as they are, non-sectarian, religiously
    neutral, and ethnically distinct.

    The uninformed senator responded to the question if the Kurds confuse
    him the way Shiite and Sunnis do. He simply responded "who the hell
    are the Kurds?" For a few minutes I was disappointed in his statement
    and than realized he is not to blame but the Kurds themselves. I
    think he deserves to hear from the Kurds who the hell they are.

    Many Kurds have been in hell for too long. The senator might have
    intended to ask the Kurds of which hell, instead of who the hell are
    the Kurds. As an experienced politician he must know there are two
    Arab hells, a Turkish ,and Persian one for the Kurds. In these hells
    many Kurds have been prisoners of war, a traumatic experience that
    the senator is familiar with.

    In the Iraqi hell over 180000 Kurds were killed by the Ba'ath
    regime. In the Syrian hell many Kurds still have no citizenship and are
    treated brutally by one of the member states of the so called "axis of
    evil". In the Persian hell, a main center of the so called "religious
    fascism", many Kurds have been bombed, hanged, and assassinated. In the
    Turkish hell, the Kurds have gone through similar cultural and ethnic
    genocide as Armenians went through. Despite denial of their rights to
    be equal with their neighbors, the majority of the Kurds have lived
    in peace with their Turkish, Arab, and Persian neighbors. However,
    a minority of them have responded to force with force, something that
    the senator must be familiar with.

    In all of the four hellish states the determined Kurds, who do not
    accept anything less than self determination and the freedom of
    learning their own language at public schools, have been labeled as
    separatist by the states that have separated and divided them between
    themselves. The leaders of these hells treat the Kurds the way Russian
    leaders treated other nations before the collapse of the Soviet empire,
    or the way the British Kings treated their colonies in America before
    1776, something that the senator must be familiar with.

    Despite their betrayal by some American corporations many Kurds
    still trust the American people as they share their dreams. They have
    recognized that without the approval of the liberated Americans, the
    captive nations of the world have a much harder time to be liberated
    in this era. They are watching American leaders carefully and support
    those who support them, whether it is a traumatized, experienced, and
    forceful prisoner of war, a caring mother, spouse, and free woman,
    or an energetic, intelligent, and progressive black man. If any of
    them don't take the Kurdish dream for liberty and justice seriously,
    the Kurds would respond to them who the hell are you.