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ANKARA: Priority In Armenian Foreign Policy: The US Or Iran?

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  • ANKARA: Priority In Armenian Foreign Policy: The US Or Iran?

    By Hatem Cabbarli

    Today's Zaman o?load=detay&link=141831&bolum=109
    May 15 2008

    Due to the irredentist policy it has maintained since independence,
    Armenia has had serious disagreements and problems with all its
    neighbors except Iran; these problems are for the most part still

    Armenia is currently unable to use the northern border for
    transportation because it invaded part of Azerbaijan, and unable to use
    the western border because it still insists upon refusing to recognize
    Turkey's territorial integrity, relying on the so-called Armenian
    genocide discourse. Even though it seeks to resolve the problem in
    relation to the northern border via transportation through Georgia,
    at this point it is still unable to use the route effectively because
    of current problems in the region. In this regard, its relations
    with Iran become very important. Even if Armenia's geopolitical
    weakness determines the relations between the parties, there are
    also important political factors at play. Iran has remained ignorant
    vis-a-vis Armenia's invasion of Azeri territories, despite the latter's
    predominantly Shiite population; it also extended support to Armenia in
    relation to the southern Azerbaijan question. In the event of an Azeri
    victory in this war, 30 million Azeri Turks in the region would have
    been eager to become independent or seek integration with northern
    Azerbaijan. Moreover, Iran has also sought to circumvent Turkey's
    influence in the region and undermine bilateral relations between
    Turkey and Azerbaijan by maintaining good relations with Armenia. The
    same goal was shared by Armenia in its policy vis-a-vis Turkey.

    Rapprochement between Iran and Armenian has also been criticized
    by the US because of its escalating tensions with Iran. Actually,
    the US has never been so clear and determined in its opposition
    to the good relations between Armenia and Iran. Even though the US
    currently asks Turkey to limit its relations with Iran, its silence
    in response to rapprochement between Iran and Armenia should be
    noted. Is it because of the impact of lobbying activities by the
    Armenian diaspora in the US? If so, this means that US national
    interests are subject to the initiative of the Armenian lobbies --
    which is irreconcilable with state dignity and seriousness. Is it
    possible to speak of Christian/American solidarity in favor of Armenia,
    which seeks to expand its territories in predominantly Muslim regions?

    Even though Armenia has declared a strategic alliance with Russia,
    the amount of aid granted it by the US is far greater than the aid
    forwarded by Russia. Armenia receives the most American financial
    aid after Israel; the US still grants large amounts of aid to this
    country. In addition, the US views Nagorno-Karabakh as a separate
    unit; based on this decision, the American administration transmitted
    financial aid for the Karabakh Armenians to Nagorno-Karabakh directly
    instead of the Azeri administration.

    The US does not act based on ethical considerations when it requests
    permission to set up military bases in Azerbaijan, while it remains
    silent vis-a-vis the improving bilateral relations between Armenia
    and Iran. The US is not uneasy with the cooperation between Christian
    Armenia and Muslim/Shiite Iran, while it is disgruntled by attempts
    to maintain relations between Muslim countries, including Azerbaijan,
    Iran and Turkey. It goes even further, requesting to set up bases in
    Azerbaijan and relying on its military units stationed in Turkey in
    its operations against Iran.

    The US has intensified its pressure on Azerbaijan to secure approval
    for a military base while it never considers making a similar request
    of Armenia, which receives large sums of financial aids from the
    American institutions every year and maintains good relations with
    Russia and Iran. Armenia sometimes returns American requests despite
    the large amount of financial aid. During the discussions as to whether
    it was possible to station NATO troops in Armenia when a crisis had
    erupted between the US and Iran in relation to the uranium enrichment,
    Armenian Defense Minister Serj Sarkisyan underlined such a possibility
    was out of question even in theoretical basis.

    A new visa control procedure

    Beginning Dec. 16, 2002, the US decided to apply the visa regime
    envisaged for the citizens of states supporting and sponsoring
    international terrorism to Armenian citizens as well. Armenia became
    the 21st state (and the first Christian state) subjected to this
    regime. The visa controls under this regime were made in relation to
    all Armenian citizens over age 16 that live in or will later arrive in
    the US. This decision, made after Sept. 11, has in general included
    Muslim countries, including Iran, Iraq, Libya, Sudan, Syria and
    Pakistan. During the discussions over the introduction of this regime
    and inclusion of Armenian citizens in its scope, David Shahnazaryan,
    who served as the Armenian intelligence chief in the administration
    of the first head of state, Levon Ter-Petrosyan, made a sensational
    statement wherein he noted that Afghan terrorists entered the US
    holding Armenian passports. Undoubtedly, this was the major reason
    for the US to include Armenian citizens in the visa regime.

    According to new reports by Armenian news agency Panarmenian and
    others, the US administration lifted this tough via regime for
    Armenian citizens following pressure from the Armenian government
    and the Armenian diaspora effective, effective Dec. 18, 2002. The US
    administration ceasing to apply this visa regime vis-a-vis Armenian
    citizens only two days after its introduction reveals how important
    and influential the Armenian diaspora is.

    Parallel to these developments, the US has never pressured Armenia,
    despite some Armenian corporations selling nuclear technology to
    Iran. In response to improvements in bilateral economic relations,
    Iran seeks to construct an oil refinery plant in Armenia. The US, which
    expressed its displeasure and uneasiness with a natural gas agreement
    between Iran and Turkey, has made no statement in relation this
    project, which will obviously make Iran very influential in the region.

    Finally, the US noticed Armenia's true face. The US State Department
    expressed its concerns over the frequent official visits held
    between Armenia and Iran. Furthermore, the US described Armenia as
    a terrorism-sponsoring state, adding that the country had a corrupt
    banking system that contributed to money-laundering activities
    to finance terrorist acts. Following this statement, Armenian
    Prime Minister Tigran Sarkisyan unexpectedly pledged to improve
    relations with Iran, further noting that the national security
    council secretary would hold official visits to Iran to meet with
    the Iranian president and other official figures. It is likely the US
    will not remain silent this time as well vis-a-vis this development,
    and act reasonably to pick its supporters and enemies. The US may
    at least suspend financial aid for Armenia and extend the aid to
    Nagorno-Karabakh through Azerbaijan. It may even consider repealing
    section 907 supplemental to the Bill on Supporting Independence,
    which prohibits financial aid to Azerbaijan.

    The actions of the Armenian administration should demonstrate that
    the country's foreign policy priorities don't rely on the US, which
    supplies it with financial aid; its priorities instead include Russia,
    which has almost colonized this country, and Iran, which uses Armenia
    against Azerbaijan, instead of the US. The US should consider this
    Armenian stance in its relations with Azerbaijan and Turkey and
    consider also the strategic alliance between Russia and Armenia when
    devising a policy vis-a-vis this country. At the very least, it should
    base its policy vis-a-vis Turkey and Armenia on a more ethical ground.

    * Hatem Cabbarlı is the deputy director at the Azerbaijani National
    Assembly's Analytical Information Department.

    --Boundary_(ID_1PlanFYKJ60HiE1zkvJk0w )--

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress